You can use one plan to unlock more than one phone even if isn't active for the full 60 days. You have to call TracFone and transfer your plan to your second phone for it to be considered activated (it isn't enough to just put the SIM from the first phone) and the 60 days for the second phone starts from then.

Important note: You may not be able to do an online unlock for the phone that you transferred the plan from (after the transfer), instead call the TracFone unlocking department (888-442-5102) and they will unlock it (make sure to tell them the activation date if they mistakenly think you aren't eligible)

    Cool hack. Though only downside is. If you take out the sim card from the device it may cause the 60 days to pause. While it's going to register on another device.
    Basically it's useful if you get the $19.99 phone with a full year of service from eBay. Vs myself who pays for a full year to actually use the service. I want to be able to use the phone I desire.

      Myi They count 60 days from when you activate it, not 60 days of service. Don’t take the sim out and put it in the 2nd phone as the plan will still be registered to the first phone and the 2nd phone won’t be considered active. Instead, call tracfone and have them transfer your plan to the 2nd phone (and it will be active on the sim of the 2nd phone)

      • Myi replied to this.

        whynot 100%. Was just stating should you have service and want to use the service in a specific phone. This hack won't work if you want to use phone B but trying to unlock phone A. Assuming as soon as you remove the sim from phone A it may interrupt the 60 consecutive days. Though I never tried for me to know. I do know the service doesn't work well if you don't properly register the device to the network.

          Myi You don't need 60 consecutive days of service to be eligible for unlocking (you don't even need to be active for 60 days at all). As for continuing to use phone A after transferring your plan to phone B, I'm pretty sure you can put SIM B in phone A After you activate it in phone B (if you don't activate it specifically in phone B it won't be considered activated even if SIM B is)

            whynot Will try that now. Thanks. Sitting on a bunch of phones which are locked while I'm using blue Kyocera for the past 2 years. Thanks for the DP.

            whynot Would this work even if there are more than two phones?

              Reifam I only ever tried it on 2 but I can’t see why it would be different for more. If want me to test it I could let you know in 60 days.

              whynot After you activate it in phone B

              Are you able to elaborate? If I want to unlock it and use it with a different carrier would I have to wait till the last phone is unlocked?

                Reifam Nope, you do not have to wait for 60 from the activation of the 2nd phone to unlock the 1st phone. You wait 60 from the activation date of the phone you will unlock.