• Tech Help
  • How to sideload a better T9 for Cat s22

I have a cat s22 phone but the kika t9 really isn't good. Does anybody have any recommendations for a better t9, and a way to get it on my phone?

    Kgr I don't know of any others, but I would be very happy to find one.

    • Kgr replied to this.

      Kgr Please send the apk. and also the whole /system folder (adb pull /system)

      • Kgr replied to this.

        Biden2020prez I need some help with this, im having some problems

        Kgr You can run adb shell pm path com.sec.android.inputmethod

        But for this we will actually need the entire /system, for deodexing. so run adb pull /system then zip it and send it here

        • Kgr replied to this.
          • KKgrLevel 1 - Junior Member

            • Edited

            Biden2020prez i got this error
            adb: error: failed to copy '/system/info.extra' to '.\system\info.extra': remote open failed: Permission denied
            but there is still a file that got pulled containing build.prop and info.extra, i should send that?

              Kgr but there is still a file that got pulled containing build.prop and info.extra, i should send that?

              does it have any other files?

              • Kgr replied to this.
                • KKgrLevel 1 - Junior Member

                  • Edited

                  Biden2020prez not in the /system
                  Do you still want the apk?

                  Thanks. try adb pull /system/framework

                  • Kgr replied to this.
                    a month later