
  • Level 5 - Gold Elite Member
  • 13 days ago
  • Joined Nov 4, 2022
  • 93 points
  • I discovered the following method to dial through Google Voice on a Flip Phone. This method is very Yeshivish, and requires constant updates (as explained below), Additionally it takes an extra twenty seconds or so to dial.

    NOTE: This method has been confirmed to work on the LG Classic, if anyone has success with any other phones please post below.

    Your GV #,*Your GV PIN#,2,The phone number you would like to dial#

    Your Phone Number is 518-455-2800.
    Your GV pin is: 745689
    The number You want to dial is: 202-456-1111
    Then You Would dial 5184552800,*745689#,2,2024561111#

    Note: The Commas (,) inserted are very important. They are known on the Phone as Add 2 second wait.


    How to bulk edit your contacts so you don't have do spend hours editing Each contact manually:
    NOTE: This method has been confirmed to work on the LG Classic, if anyone has success with any other phones please post below.

    1)Export your contacts as a Vcard and import Them into Google Contacts
    2)Once in Google Contacts export them as a Google CSV
    3)Open the Google CSV in Google Sheets, and bulk edit the row with all the phone numbers.
    (IMPORTANT when editing make sure to replace the comma [,] with a p, otherwise your phone will NOT recognize it once imported e.x 5184552800p*745689#p2p2024561111#)
    4)Download the file as a .CSV
    5)Upload the file back to Google Contacts (IMPORTANT if you skip this step your phone will NOT recognize the .CSV file downloaded directly from Google Sheets)
    6)Download the file from Google Contacts and transfer it to your phone.
    You're all set !!

  • Version 1.20:

    • Added Dpad Shortcuts
    • Removed CoolHome from showing in App Launchers
    • Added a (very basic) Built-In app launcher
    • Changed Dpad Shortcuts to LG Pakcage and class names


    Contributions are welcomed!

    Installation and Usage:

    (Re)install this app using -g -r in ADB (I also added -r which will be useful for future updates):

    adb install -g -r CoolHome-v1.20.apk

    To set it as the default Home App (you will need to do after each update), run:

    adb shell cmd package set-home-activity com.android.cts.wy.f1home/com.wy.f1home.activity.KeyguardActivity


    • Now, the apps section was replaced with the new built in launcher.
    • Access Dpad Hotkey Settings from the home screen by pressing clr button (this will likely change in the future)
    • [Login to see the link] updated
    • More screenshots added to original post showcasing new features


    [Login to see the link]

    • Biden2020prez FliphoneBochur

      Hi y'all it's good to be back :')

      I got some quite polished stuff targeting Kyocera and Schok devices i'm almost ready to drop on you lot.
      (Also something secret for the TCL Flip as well 馃か)

      Also really excited to hear about that eTalk unbrick! Great work guys!!

        • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

          • Edited

          FliphoneBochur This has a lot of useful information and I look forward to these changes/fixes being implemented to ensure a better clearer experience for all.

          As for my own 讛注专讛, in "Night Mode" some labels and text show up too dark to be read at all.

          Day Mode:
          [Login to see the link]

          Night Mode:
          [Login to see the link]

        • 1) Download and extract [Login to see the link]

          2) Open the platform-tools folder and click on the address bar
          3) Type cmd in the address bar and hit enter
          4) You should now have a command window open
          5) Turn on usb debugging on your phone and plug it in to your computer (on LG exalt and classic, make sure the phone is in MIDI or charging mode) [Note: a box will appear on your phone asking to allow from the computer if it isn鈥檛 recognized]

          LG Exalt: dial ##7764726330 enter code 000000 and go to developer options > usb debugging
          LG Classic: dial ##228378 and go to Developer Options > USB debugging
          TCL flip 2 and Alcatel Go flip V: dial *#*#33284#*#*
          Kyocera, Sonim, Schock and many other phones: go to Settings > About phone > Software info. Press Build number 7 times then go back to Settings > Developer options > USB debugging
          Some Sonims: dial *#*#2387#*#* and go to USB debugging


          6) In the command prompt window type adb devices and hit enter
          7) If you did everything correctly, the name of your phone will show up in list of devices

          • I thought this was a useful tip that people would appreciate, but I didn't think it was worthy of its own thread.
            If you have a bunch of APK files in a folder, and you want to find out the package name of all of them without having to open each of them, you can use this tip:

            1. [Login to see the link] and put it in the folder of the APK files that you want to see the package names for.

            2. In that folder, type cmd into the address bar to open command prompt to that location.

            3. Run this command:
              for /f "delims=" %i in ('dir /b /on *.apk') do for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %j in ('aapt dump badging "%i" ^| findstr /r /c:"^package: name="') do echo %~ni %j >> output.txt

            You should now have a text file called output.txt in that folder with the filenames followed by the package names.

            Here's how the command works (taken apart by ChatGPT):

            1. The for /f command is a loop that iterates over a set of items. In this case, it's used to iterate over the list of APK files in the current directory.
            2. delims= specifies the delimiter to use when parsing the input. In this case, the delimiter is set to an empty string, which means that the entire line is used as the input.
            3. %i and %j are variables used to store the current item in the loop.
            4. dir /b /on *.apk lists all the APK files in the current directory, using the /b switch to output only the file names and the /on switch to sort the list by name.
            5. aapt dump badging "%i" is a command that extracts information from an APK file. %i is replaced by the name of the current APK file in the loop.
            6. ^| is used to escape the | character, which is a special character in the command prompt.
            7. findstr /r /c:"^package: name=" searches for a line in the output of aapt that starts with "package: name=". The /r switch specifies that the search string should be treated as a regular expression.
            8. tokens=2 delims=: " specifies that the second token (the package name) should be extracted from the output of findstr, using : and space as delimiters.
            9. %~ni is used to extract the file name of the current APK file in the loop, without the file extension.
            10. >> output.txt redirects the output of the command to a file called "output.txt", using the >> operator to append the output to the file.

            Hope this is helpful!

            • ekjr Yea im also having problem with maps cuz of this

            • [Login to see the link]
              1) Maps doesn't work any more it tells me i have to update it.
              2) In the notes to install voice access the command to delete the old voice thing there's a ` at the end and it's not meant to be there.

                • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                  Thank you [Login to see the link] and [Login to see the link] for getting me in touch with the original creator of Yiddish t9.

                  [Login to see the link] is a copy of the Hebrew/Yiddish/English T9 app that I made. It is based off of [Login to see the link]. More info on how to work the app can be found [Login to see the link].

                  To set it as the default keyboard you can run the adb command:
                  adb shell ime set com.android.cts.darthtt9/.ime.TraditionalT9

                  • About this:

                    UPTHECREAK 1) A way to easily export all contacts

                    There's the same problem on the Alcatel Go Flip V. I found this app called contact backup that works for me. You can download it [Login to see the link]. You'll have to lower your screen density (to 100 or lower) to see what the buttons say. It saves to Internal Storage > ContactBackup Storage > VCF files.

                    • chatGPT via text
                      1530 464 1513
                      to setup txt in a question and it will send you a verification code in a separate thread which you should send back to chatgpt and it will work
                      you only have to do this the first time