LLKWDBochurLevel 1 - Junior Member
Biden2020prez I didn't have to turn on Readout, it worked to just turn on accessibility with SCRPY.
Biden2020prez I didn't have to turn on Readout, it worked to just turn on accessibility with SCRPY.
me and my friend both had this problem after installing a mouse, with KCO And the Apps4flip one.
Also, this probably has to something with the problem, I noticed that when clicking on off in Readout(accessibility settings) my accessibility app shuts down. This is even when Readout was already off.
tekay13 I'm unable to navigate even with a mouse,
Hill Climb is awsome!
(On Classic)
but the app would be much better if redone, for example needs a shuffle button for each singer. maybe somebody could work with the owner like was done for smartlist.
to to search on the classic i hold down on the pound key, it works like an enter button.
can we get jewishmusic.fm, it's a free jewish copy of spotify with most singers on it.
how do u add a button in button mapper, when i click the "add" after i select my desired button it selects my middle button because i clicked it.
i know this thread is old, but can some body answer GOLDFISHs question?
Can someone please make a a launcher with a better setup then the regular App4flip one, it needs to be a 3 by 3 app setup of a list.
it could use a way to zoom back out, and woud be nice (and this is for waze also) if you could move around the map with the dpad.
can someone make an app with ywn/matzav/gruntig? (without requiring a browser -i have no idea if this is possible because i don't know how to code) Maybe it can be done same as dan deals was "Please note we are unafilliated with DansDeals and this app is just a wrapper around their website."
and i know this was asked for already, but just as a reminder how about msg+ for th LG Classic?
thx, it worked
ybb it says on the apps4flips website.
but then my cursor gets lost
Where do i get the button mapper from, and what are the permission codes for adb? i found it on a website called modified apps or something but i don't know the permission stuff.
Any way to go back to home screen during a call on a tagged alcatel 4044t?
Anyone knows anything interesting you can do with the alcatel go flip 2?
the Debug code is ##33284##*
Another Code is ##0574## , but i don't know of any useful purpose it has.
Banana Hackers has a lot of useful info on how to add apps (Here [Login to see the link]), but it doesn't work after TAG. (although i never tried it without Tag, so i'm just trusting them that it works)
If anyone knows any tips/tricks about the phone please post.