
  • Level 1 - Junior Member
  • Nov 27, 2024
  • Joined Feb 6, 2022
  • 3 points
  • does anyone have info when i use speaker people cant hear me and after shut off speaker no one hears me either. can this have to do with loading on the lg settings app i did that not long ago but i think it worked after that. another problem is of bluetooth is connected dont hear any phone calls on phone or on bluetooth. any idea

  • try voice access to turn on that button

  • would be a big help for those only using music to make a default dpi to 80 on the app. if possible

    • just lower the dpi

    • is there any way to remove ads from waze?

    • amazing!!! thanks works on classic.

    • tried downloading got a file with 0 kb something wrong

    • this is my 2nd lg classic which when shuts off doesnt restart, if i bang it around it can start, sometines it only shows the lg symbol and diesnt continue, any clue. once its running it works fine but always scared of battery dying, is this a hardware or software problem? any ideas?

      • if you lower the dpi on the lg classic to 100, the library loads without crashing. you can get the dpi app on the j-m music thread.

        • 12345 thank alot really helpfull

        • thanks alot i got it to work with voice access by saying scroll down and reaching the continue botton or log on, and on the home screen too use voice and saying the number to select which screen to scroll down. if you dont know what i mean when its modified i can explain. but i got to almost everything with the mouse too. thanks again its a great app.

        • hi can 12345 please modify the latest j-m fm app i loved and can give instuction how to use it easily.

          • can someone modify the newist j-m fm music app.

          • seems they updated it and all old versions stopped. can you update the latest version andriod 66

          • as of last night it stopped playing songs when you click on it is there a new update so it doesnt play if yes can someone modify it thanks

          • used your modified app i logged in thu scrrcpy and once i got by that, can be used on my lg classic mostly with the mouse works perfectly. thanks tons

            • when i try this app it says cant connect to server after i see all the albums any idea how to fix it