please send the apk
JJackbeastLevel 1 - Junior Member
[Login to see the link], [Login to see the link], [Login to see the link]
dont know which version is most user friendly for flip phone
Nnaftali89Level 2 - Senior Member
I am reposting the question: Can someone please modify the app so theres no background browser?
Can anyone help me figure out how to make the Jewish music FM app more functional? After I enter something into the search bar I can't figure out how to press select or enter to actually search for it. I have button mapper, mouse and voice access on my LG classic flip.
Nnaftali89Level 2 - Senior Member
flipper2 put the app into landscape mode (i do it by going into jewish music stream app first ) and you will get a search button which you can press with any accessibility app.
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
naftali89 btw, if you have it, you can switch to landscape mode using button mapper
LLKWDBochurLevel 1 - Junior Member
to to search on the classic i hold down on the pound key, it works like an enter button.
LLKWDBochurLevel 1 - Junior Member
but the app would be much better if redone, for example needs a shuffle button for each singer. maybe somebody could work with the owner like was done for smartlist.
Ttekay13Level 1 - Junior Member
when i try this app it says cant connect to server after i see all the albums any idea how to fix it
112345Level 3 - Gold Member
its the old version and it is out of service
see [Login to see the link] about the updated