• Kashering

Techgen ok that would be awesome if it would stay in the menu... thanks soo much again for your help and replying to everything. Very considerate of you! šŸ’Œ šŸ¤Ÿ

a month later

Jumptoheaven Did you change any settings or just use iMap? Anything for the IMAP path prefix? I usually just turn off the secure apps and Iā€™m able to sign in without a problem but once in a while I have a hard case where Iā€™m not able to login. Any tips?

did someone know how to kasher a Verizon ZTE (model z233v) phone??
I wana know also from stores ho did this for money

a month later

rand01201 Yes, you WILL NOT be able to use any apps you installed (even if you install them before you put on the filter.)

nvm but how do i remove it

what is my "provider code?"

a year later

which filter is for kyocera dura xv??

    • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

      shty More details on what you are trying to accomplish?