• Hebrew Keyboard

BoruchAdler if you use the keyboard on ivelt for example you cant go down or up to the next row

  • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

    In the original keyboard long press of the pound key is like pressing "enter" which can be very useful

    • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

      • Edited

      诇讻讘讜讚 讬讚讬讚讬谞讜 专' 讘专讜讱 谞"讬
      Just my two cents...
      转讻诇讬转 讙注专注讚讟 it's difficult to see people permanently giving up some of the functionality of the original keyboard in order to have Hebrew built in.
      So either you'll end up painstakingly putting it all into this one that you have built...
      OR have an easy backdoor way to switch from this new keyboard to the original without using ADB

        L-B STOP!! He is not making money from this project.... and at leaset appriciate what he gives you!

          • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

            SamFried 诪住讻讬诐
            Im just trying to give constructive advice
            I appreciate Boruch's efforts VERY MUCH and I know that I have NO CLUE how to do this stuff
            His mouse is AMAZING and I use it constantly

            Just realized that you can switch keyboards in the "switchboard" app settings after switching the "enable switchboard" switch!

              • AazfLevel 1 - Junior Member

                practical Thanks for that tip! Now I can use it!

                any plan to add t9? possible to add Hebrew/诇砖讛"拽/讗讬讚讬砖 t9 as well?

                Apps4Flip-Admin After setting up "switchboard" -before exiting- you have to choose between "finish" or "settings", you hit "settings" (this is just the first time, then every time you go into the app you are at settings), [Login to see the link].
                So when you are in the settings the first option is "enable switchboard", [Login to see the link].
                if your switchboard is working then it's switched to on,
                so now You switch it off, a dialog will pop up asking you to select a keyboard, [Login to see the link].
                now you can select "Apps4flip Hebrew Keyboard" !
                Don't forget to turn your switchboard back on (if you still don't have [Login to see the link] 's mouse...)
                the next time you just enter to switchboard you will be in the settings, just switch it off and back on, you will get this menu again where you can change back to the reguler keyboard!

                  practical can you please post a link to your switchboard because I don't have this options in my switchboard

                    I'm using Kyocera cadence and I didn't test it on other models.
                    by the way-on the Kyocera cadence you can set up most apps including mouse, switchboard, button mapper, etc. without ADB, by granting the needed permitions in the phone's background menu!
                    if you have any questions about it post it with me mentioned, I will reply Iy"h when I have time.

                    mg5077 what is your screen showing when you enter to switchboard?

                      practical to set up a button and wen selecting done I have " Enable Services Switchboard in the next screen " and if I select next the app crash