is it an option to have the yiddish keybord app of a Kyocera E4610 with meshimer filter?
Tech Help
I have the LG exalt filtered by TAG, I followed all installation instructions, but it seems the filter is not letting me open the apps. a box pops up that says "apps from unknown sources are unavailable by server policy. related apps may be stopped" Anything I can do?
are there any phones that can have these apps and can be filtered?
or can i have them on my exalt with a different filter?
nal I have the exalt with these apps and i have uninstalled the browser which essentially does what the filter by tag would do besides the fact that i can still reset the phone to factory setting where as the tag filter blocks factory reset.
I think most ppl here do the same.....they uninstall the browser as a "filter" and can use the apps.....the main site has instruction on all this.
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
nal The only one I know of is [Login to see the link] one, on the LG classic. So far seems like not available on any other phone.
YYmsLevel 3 - Gold Member
Is there any way to uninstall/disable the phone apk installer but still be able to install other apps thru ADB?
(LG Classic)
Lev26Level 3 - Gold Member
There are people who put on custom filters, and they can put on apps even afterwards.
What is the adb command to uninstall Package Installer for the kyocera duraxv extreme?
Also I've noticed that on a diff phone, when i disabled the package installer, I couldn't uninstall any apps, even with the uninstaller app.Will this also happen if I remove the package installer on my kyocera duraxv extreme?
DdovwcomLevel 1 - Junior Member
- Edited
lgexalter1 I know this is an old post but I am finding (on the T408DL) that this problem comes from an interaction between button mapper and voice access such that using button mapper shortcuts to start Voice Access interferes with the keyboard and the keyboard defaults to * through 9 and loses its ability for text, kt9 and symbols. What fixes the issue for me is rebooting and then using one of notifications toggle, ListLauncher or a key shortcut set in Settings| Phone Settings|Key shortcuts to start Voice Access and preferably removing the Button Mapper mapping to activate Voice Access so as not to accidentally invoke it and recreate the problem
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
dovwcom i Have had the issue simply when i add too many buttons to button mapper.
DdovwcomLevel 1 - Junior Member
Biden2020prez this is the only button I added - did your buttons include Voice Access? - if it did maybe that's what did it - when I get a moment I can test assigning long-press on the back button to Voice Access which is an existing button and see if that breaks too
DdovwcomLevel 1 - Junior Member
dovwcom Tested some more and on my T408DL I don't have any problems with Button Mapper when using one of the pre-defined buttons (backspace or volume) for an application mapping to Voice Access or a Root script to enable/disable cursor but from an added button each of those two mappings on their own break text when either initially customizing the added button after which texting breaks on using the button or if the added button is customized and then the phone power-cycled text is broken after powering back up even without using the added button at all.
I have no understanding of why any of this behavior is the way it is - it's just what I have seen
Nnaftali89Level 2 - Senior Member
I recently encountered a few e4610 phones that seem to connect only to Verizon 3g network and not 4g network, which makes the phone basically useless, anybody knows what I am talking about?