• Tech Help

I got a cracked Qin F21 Pro , and when removing a built in Chinese weather app with adb I seem to have bricked the phone. The power on/off animations work, as does the confirmation prompt before powering off. After powering on, the screen goes black and I get a pop up that system UI has stopped responding, with the options for closing the app or viewing app info. I’ve tried resetting the phone but when I got to the screen with the android bot on the floor with a red triangle and exclamation point from which I was supposed to hold the volume buttons I was unable to continue due to the lack thereof. I found a thread on XDA developers that mentioned this but had a whole process with reflashing the phone, something I’m not sure I understand how to do. Any ideas?

    • a-oneLevel 3 - Gold Member

      • Edited

      Yeedle reinstall with ADB com.duoqin.qweather

      18 days later

      Using ADB I uninstalled hotspot with the command pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.hotspotlauncher and it tells me ''Failure - not installed for 0'', the problem is that the hotspot still works. What should I do?

        Shaul youre using wedadb or your computer?

          4 days later

          When I try to run switchboard (LG wine 2) when I click "next" on the enable services screen, the app stops running. Does anyone have any suggestions?

          5 days later

          HELP! i just installed the lg livigent filter and before i got to set it my phone locked with the previously set lock and it doesn't allow me to unlock it saying encryption is proceeded by server policy. Now what?

            Shaul I might be able to help. email me bachurphone @gmail.com

              4 days later

              How could I remove annoying toasts from an app

                Ak123 SUre. To show a toast in smali, it uses something like
                invoke-virtual {v0}, Landroid/widget/Toast;->show()V. (of course the register can be different.) So look in smali for Landroid/widget/Toast;->show(), and remove the line invoking it. This will always work unless you are dealing with an obfuscated APK, in which case you need to either: deobfuscate it, or make a Java class that blocks all toasts from showing and invoke it in every single activity onCreate onResume and maybe onPuase (I might be missing something).

                2 months later

                Is anybody familiar how to unlock bootloader on the cadence?
                Or can anybody advise how to record phone calls of both sides on the cadence? Been trying many apps with no result