Nussi Verizon sent out the following message about a month ago...
"VZW Free Msg: NOTICE - Verizon has detected that you are using an older version of Message+ app on one or more devices. While sending and receiving text messages will continue to work, some of the non-texting features are being discontinued. This only affects primary devices with the models (KYOCERA-E4610, KYOCERA-S2720, KYOCERA-S2720PP, LGE-VN220, LGE-VN220PP) The non-texting features of Message+ that are being discontinued are: 1) Syncing message history to cloud 2) Multiple devices 3) Auto Reply To continue with these features, you must upgrade to a new phone and install the latest Message+ app from the Android "Google Play" or iOS "Appstore" on the new device. If you do not use these features and only use it for texting, then you can still use your existing device as you do today. Texting will not be impacted. For more information visit from your desktop computer: [Login to see the link]"