RRochelLevel 2 - Senior Member
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Is it possible to add HEB calendar thanx!
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Is it possible to add HEB calendar thanx!
Hi I would like to know why is this app to backdated? I tried to search for GB and G&G clothing and it's not even coming up. So what's the idea of this app?
in the beginning I was able to save contact from the smartlist app but lately I got a error "instaler stopped"
lionscribe is it possible to fix the issue that causes smartlist to save every call you make as a contact on the phone.
Jumptoheaven It is by design, so that caller name is shown in Call History. The temporary contacts get automatically deleted after a few days. If you prefer, you can turn off the feature in the app settings. Just uncheck "Create temporary contact".
SamFried They are both there, in Boro Park and Lakewood lists.
lionscribe but i need from williamsburg
lionscribe and in general to be more up-to-date
yk9813 What do you mean?
lionscribe ok thanks
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Any updates, about HEB calendar?
[Login to see the link] has released a new version of smart list with many bug fixes and improvements.
Download it here - [Login to see the link]
HebDate HebDate HebDate HebDate Hebdate
[Login to see the link] [Login to see the link] the new smartlist is really great and less buggy but, I find that ads from smartlist are coming up in my notifications on the exalt even when the app is closed. Is there any way to disable this?
L-B Hey, that is our income! We have to pay for the service somehow...
On regular devices you can customize notifications (including turning off) from the Android side. I didn't realize that this is not available on Flip phones. We will have to do some patch. In the meantime, please support our advertisers. Tell them you saw it in SmartList!
lionscribe I have a severe issue that once I sync my contacts I'm unable to open contacts which have a number which appears in listing (on the LG classic) !!
pc what is the purpose of syncing contact ??
mg5077 lionscribe
ouch! just noticed that problem by me. oy vey! And it doesnt go away even when I uninstalled smartlist! Help!!
The problem is that these stripped down phones have a stripped down Contacts App, that seems not to handle all that the regular Android Contacts App support. In next release we will deal with it. For now you can use the following work-around. Go to Preferences, and uncheck "Auto-Sync Contacts" and exit preferences. This will forcefully remove the sync. If it is already unchecked, then check it, exit, wait a minute, and proceed to uncheck. Please let us know if it worked.
lionscribe L-B I understand and appreciate the app is free, no problem supporting advertisers and Developers but would appreciate a patch that includes notification settings. thanks [Login to see the link] !