• Twitter SMS

Hey there, we reached out to the instatext guy about this and he said that the beta is full, although he plans on opening up more slots in the next couple of weeks. We will be taking down the instructions for twitter from the website for now.

Thanks for bringing this to out attention

Great, can you update us when they open more slots? I've tried several times over the last few months, didn't work...

10 days later

Amazing how you got through to him. Not easy to get through to him.
Weird how you guys advertise him. does he pay you?

    Is the whole instatext down now? Not working for me

    • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    You can connect your Twitter account to GroupMe using IFTTT.com and tell it to post to GroupMe chat when a @whateveraccount tweets. You may also be able to do it straight to sms. There is a delay though, especially if there are alot of tweets, but if it's fine as long as you get it within the hour, it's a good option

      I just tried to follow Twitter on InstaText and I got whip message from them.

      Hi there and welcome to the new SMS Twitter by Instatext.
      We see that you have not yet completed setup.
      To complete setup and to start receiving all tweets reliably, head over to www.apps4flip.com/smstwitter .
      Your registration code: 1698225285654

      Anybody knows what's this about the link is not working and as I know it's not affiliated with apps4flip

      I just tried to follow Twitter on InstaText and I got whip message from them.

      Hi there and welcome to the new SMS Twitter by Instatext.
      We see that you have not yet completed setup.
      To complete setup and to start receiving all tweets reliably, head over to www.apps4flip.com/smstwitter .
      Your registration code: 1698225285654

      Anybody knows what's this about the link is not working and as I know it's not affiliated with apps4flip

      Any help?

        mickrich347 well, it's not like anyone here (or anyone at all for that matter) is paying them.

        He asked us to take down the page once the beta filled up. He plans on opening up more slots soon. Stay tuned.

        How would I connect a Twitter account to groupme using ifttt.com?

        • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        anonymousflipphone I'm not sure exactly what the limit is, but thats why theres a delay, they give you all tweets from the past hour every hour, that way it only counts as one action. also the groupme chat instead of sms might be different

        Maybe groupme is different, but i think the action limit is on twitter as well...not 100% sure though...

          • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

          anonymousflipphone I used it for a while with kolhaolam (before they made their text service) without any issues