GiterYid I tried to give the necessary permissions on LG VN220 but it showed on ADB PERMISSION NOT EXPORTED FROM UID 10142 Does someone know what that means and how to solve this? It worked a few times already on LG 125 Thanks
Flippy GiterYid Sometimes I need to re input some of the commands a second (or third) time for them to work for me...
L-B manyhill manyhill Zei mir moichel but is it actually easier for you to waste your and all of our time posting questions instead of just reading around on this forum where the question has been answered ad nauseum??!!
manyhill GiterYid Did you just repeat the last command? adb shell am startservice
GiterYid manyhill I'm sorry for the late reply. I repeated all the commands. It doesn't take so long!
trump2024 go to my descension, you will see how you can make it work, my descension is cold: one command for all accessible!!! it the newest descension
Flippy trump2024 ------------------------------- des·cen·sion /dəˈsenSH(ə)n/ nounRARE an act of moving downward, dropping, or falling. "a smooth descension back down" a flock of woodpeckers. ----------------------------------------- Not sure what you are referring to