• Sonim XP3

We have gotten a lot of questions about the sonim phone recently, so I felt it was time for it to get its own topic.

Post anything you want about the XP3 here.

Hi I have a xp3, on the new waze, Uber, and stratigo, the cursor is seen, moves around the screen, but doesn't actually click on anything, rendering these 3 unusable 😥...also couldn't get the voice access working...the phone is a great overall phone, even has a built in sonim application that allows one to block internet, radio, or any application installed on the phone! No tag to slow your phone!

    Oh I wouldn't know, I do have friends though who have reported problems after having their phones tagged....

    Flip phones have tons of issues and so do smart phones. People like blaming TAGand although many times it can be it is their problem many times it’s not. Its just an easy go-to place to blame. Some people who’s phones were tagged from day one complain about it but really that’s just the phone they just never had it without it to know that it has issues

    I'm pretty sure tag would-and has-admitted the filter could cause various problems.

      anonymousflipphone A filter does not slow the phone down. Same as when you remove the phones browser via adb, do you see the phone slowing down because of that?

        • YYmsLevel 3 - Gold Member

          10452ec some of tags filters slow down the phone ive seen it 1st hand

            • YYmsLevel 3 - Gold Member

              ive compared brand new phones with tagged ones

                • YYmsLevel 3 - Gold Member

                  the schok

                  I really didnt think this was a subject of debate, ask tag themselve, they'll tell you...

                    anonymousflipphone Agreed that It can make some problems but people are very quick to accuse them even when it’s not their fault. They are phones that start out junk and whatever you do to them is not gonna make it any worse take it to Kazuna for example it’s horrible as it is. people will run and blame the tag but that doesn’t really hold any water.... All I am saying is that people should do their research before blaming them. I am not defending them in any way shape or form.

                    • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                    I haven't tried stratego or the new waze, you still can use waze with the waze launcher, you just won't be able to report cops, everything else can be done with voice access/ switchboard. Voice acces should work, it's much easier to get it to work on the XP3 than on the exalt, you dont need any special commands, just install and when asked give accessibility permission. all other settings (which button etc.) can be set through regular settings

                    • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                    TAG filters different phones in different ways, some slow it down more that others. The Exalt/Kyocera have a livingent admin app always running, although most people don't claim to have a lag from that, the main issue people seem to have is with phones running KaiOS, which are really slow in the first place, TAG replaces the system with one of their own which was modified not to have a browser, which seems to make it even slower. In any case, its not comparable to simply removing a pre-installed app.

                    5 days later

                    Wait techgen, you were able to get voice access working on the sonim xp3800 flip phone?? I ran into errors...

                      • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                      anonymousflipphone Yes, you can use an official version, or the one from kosherappsforflip (kyocera) but the one from apps4flip needs to be signed before it can be used on the Sonim Xp3