• adb shell on flip lg phones

  • BbzkLevel 1 - Junior Member

    • Edited

    2nd option is adb shell ## 1472365 ##

      amk how does it work nothing happens when typing this code in the lg classic and lg exalt

        • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        • Edited

        GOLDFISH I don't have a LG so I don't know if it works, but from the fact that his pound is in italics it looks like it was meant to say*#*#1472365#*#*

          ##1472365## the system shows it up like this


            • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

              bzk your posts don't work and/or don't make sense. Please enlighten.

              a year later

              cant type in interactive shell with my lg classic can anyone explain why?