CChaseChillerLevel 2 - Senior Member
darth I've got this error from not having Google text to speech and maps installed.(there may be more requirements.)
Plus even after installing those, if the phone isn't android 8 or above it will fail.
darth I've got this error from not having Google text to speech and maps installed.(there may be more requirements.)
Plus even after installing those, if the phone isn't android 8 or above it will fail.
I just found out that when you plug the sonim xp3+ into android auto, it says "no supported apps." Is that a video codecs issue? (Biden2020prez is it the same error you're getting on the Schok) Could it have anything to do with changed app packages?
Also, it runs android go. Do any other phones that run android go work with auto?
FliphoneBochur It might mean you don't have apps like waze installed. Try stock Waze. Is android auto installed? Try connecting to SCRCPY and you'll know if it supports video codecs
Biden2020prez Thanks for the tip! I don't have the phone right now to test out. I'll ask the guy for it to test it out and I'll get back.
I posted today on [Login to see the link] about android auto on a tablet, but the idea might work on a flip phone too. (assuming that you have google play services installed.)
I didn't tried it yet neither on a tablet nor on a flip phone, but the idea is being used already for other purposes so it might work.
Is there any phone that supports google play services?
anonymous Sure. Many Smartphones do!!
Also the Schok Classic Flip
Biden2020prez plus the CAT S22 Flip, but since that is Android Go it won't support Andriod Auto.
Biden2020prez Does android auto work on the schok?
anonymous no. screen mirroring is broken because it has the wrong codecs.
Biden2020prez Is there any other flip phone it does work on?
Biden2020prez Is there any way to fix this?
Reifam I dont know of one. Im not even positive that this is the problem, but I think it is
Biden2020prez I'm pretty sure it's an Android Go problem, not a codec problem. If that's really the case, the only way to do it would be to replace the os.
FliphoneBochur I dont think schok classic runs android go
Reifam I do have working Android Auto on my payed for Roms. If you want to buy it feel free to reach out to me.
If there was an interest in me selling this through the forums in a similar manner to what was done for the original apps4flip mouse I wouldnt mind doing that but I dont know what the rules are here about that.