Installing Message Plus on Kyocera DuraXV Extreme
I wanna know if there is a way to install the regular Message Plus app (for Smart Phones) on my Kyocera E4180?
I've download it and installed but I can't go in to a conversation it came up that the app has bin stoped
Mmoshe1Level 3 - Gold Member
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Lonely I installed it on the E4810 (downloaded it from apk pure) and I used this [[Login to see the link]] app to allow the permissions for the app and to make it the default message app and I disabled the default message app by going to the last option in the dev option menu list and I set with button mapper the right soft key when u double tap it, it should open the message plus app. Though it is made to use with a touch screen therefore u can only use with a mouse app and even with that it isn't fully functional, u cant swipe the screen with a flip phone after all. I used the oldest version of the smartphone version message + app that apk pure had I don't know about the latest versions will work
Mmoshe1Level 3 - Gold Member
I have a (small) issue with the message + on the extreme when I go in to a conversation it goes to the first message in the conversation so I have to scroll down to see my recent messages is there a fix for that anyone?
YyerushivishLevel 1 - Junior Member
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I noticed that "Notification Access" is not available on the Extreme. is it possible that because of this restriction is why it won't let messages plus display to the outer screen? (As it's probably only available for the built in apps...)
112345Level 3 - Gold Member
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i noticed that also and i was thinking if you would give it notification access through adb would it work
does anyone know the command for notification access for app on Kyocera ??
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
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There are 2 you must try both, because some only work on lower versions of android:
adb shell cmd notification allow_listener
adb shell settings put secure enabled_notification_listeners
YyerushivishLevel 1 - Junior Member
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Biden2020prez how do i do that command with messages plus?
(i'm terrible at figuring out how to put in the real package name without messing something up...)
Biden2020prez I tried this and it didn't work. Is mylistener a placeholder name, or should I be using it in the shell?
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
zevythegreat It's a placeholder name
YyerushivishLevel 1 - Junior Member
zevythegreat yea same here it didn't work. really determined to figure this out over Bein Hazmanim...
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
zevythegreat Try this:
adb shell settings put secure enabled_notification_listeners
YyerushivishLevel 1 - Junior Member
Biden2020prez it seems like the right command (it was executed) but still doesnt solve the issue.
YyerushivishLevel 1 - Junior Member
did anyone figure out how to get messages plus to display "new messages" on the home screen? (not just the notification icon on top, as that is usually hidden when theres's too many icons to display) I'm using the version of messages plus pulled from cadence posted by flippy back in April...
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
yerushivish Do you know if you have the right notification listener service name?
YyerushivishLevel 1 - Junior Member
Biden2020prez No. how do i know which listener to try? this is the command that i used. it didnt give any error or success message: adb shell settings put secure enabled_notification_listeners %nlisteners: com.verizon.messaging.vzmsgs/com.verizon.messaging.vzmsgs.mylistenerA
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
yerushivish it wont give an error even for a bad listener. send the apk and I'll try to find it.
YyerushivishLevel 1 - Junior Member