• Other
  • New FIG Kosher Phone

I just got the Qin f21 Pro+ from AliExpress. I am currently on Verizon Prepaid and it's not working when I switch my sim. Does anyone know which service would work with this?
Also, how would I download apps?

Thank you.

16 days later

had anyone compared the call and speaker sound quality between
Kosher Full Keyboard 4G QIN FIG
F1 Orchid by sunbeam
or and
uni punkt kosher ?

    7 days later
    • a-oneLevel 3 - Gold Member

      • Edited

      I ordered this [Login to see the link] and got today after waiting more than a month and it's not working with TracFone service when changing sim card it worked for a minute then it says an eror message when calling that they have detected that I'm not using the device that the phone was activated in

        • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

          • Edited

          a-one Yes, tracfone only allows specific IMEIs... but why stick with tracfone anyway?

          Can you explain what they mean by "cracked version of the kosher software"? Is it kosher? how is it different than buying the stock android one?

            Flippy i don't know how kosher it is. Before i baught it they told me that there is a kosher software that could be downloaded on it for free but I didn't found it how to download it so I'm going to ask them

              • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                • Edited

                star Qin fig definitely the worst/lowest
                Sunbeam F1 is usually loud and clear, and rated better than the Punkt in this
                [Login to see the link] review

                rated better than the Punkt ? in what wording do you see that ?

                does volume say everything
                or its also the quality of sound and
                call quality

                a-one Just curious, what did they respond? Or did they?

                  as well durability and resistance to get break by falls by humidify ;
                  punkt is done by a swiss company known for doing quality
                  can any one come in with experienced both the punkt and the sunbeam ??
                  or may have a relative or friend who did ?

                    • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                      • Edited

                      star I have plenty of experience with both but I am not sure what exactly you are asking...

                      • star replied to this.

                        I know someone who has the fig kosher phone, he was using it with Pure Talk (an AT&T mvno), it suddenly stopped working last week, it just says "no service". [Login to see the link] mentioned that AT&T stopped supporting these phones, would that affect the mvnos also, or would anyone know what else the issue might be?

                          • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                            • Edited

                            Techgen Yes it's because of the ATT "3g" Shutdown which is really almost a "non AT&T-branded phone" Shutdown. Even 4glte phones were were shutdown. They shut anything not on the [Login to see the link] . This DID also affect the MVNO's

                              Flippy Oh wow, thats bad if all ATT mvnos only work on ATT phones. Would you recommend getting a verizon mvno for this phone or it will also end up being unsupported when they do their 4g switch, and its best just to get another phone?

                                • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                                  Techgen Verizon has a bunch of issues on the fig, ranging from not accepting the imei, intermittently disconnecting from the network and poor service in some areas. verizon's 3g shutdown should NOT affect this phone as it is not a CDMA phone, but verizon can choose to shut it anyway because it is not a supported IMEI. Best bet with this phone (if you are already stuck with it...) is T-mobile, albeit with poorer than normal reception in many areas

                                    Flippy I guess we can't expect FIG to refund all the phones...
                                    Is T-mobile worse on these phones, or you're just saying they have bad coverage in some areas like all T-mobile phones?

                                    • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                                      Worse than other T-Mobile phones...
                                      And why shouldn't they refund all phones?

                                        • a-oneLevel 3 - Gold Member

                                          • Edited

                                          Jumptoheaven they told me that I could to download from the play store a filter, and i asked them if they don't have a built in kosher software, so they said that this software is custom and only if i make a bulk order, that's what fig did he made a bulk order and they made a custom kosher software for him.

                                          I downloaded from the play store the netspark filter, [Login to see the link] and it crashed the phone so i turned of the phone and when i turned on the phone i got an eror that the system ui has stopped and had a black screen and wasn't able to do anything with it but i was still able to connect it to ADB so i uninstalled the netspark filter but it didn't help me and it still said that the system UI has stopped so i made adb reboot recovery and i got to the menu to reset it and i reset the phone then it was in chinnese so i followed a video to change it to English and then i got an error that the Google play store is not certified and I couldn't install any apps so i chat with them and they gave me instructions how to add back Google service and now I'm looking for a filter that could block the internet

                                          So if someone wants to install the netspark filter on this phone should know that it could damage the phone and I was luckely able to remove it and not always will be a way to remove it if the phone has a black screen

                                            • TtechyLevel 3 - Gold Member

                                              • Edited

                                              a-one wow! You had some experience.

                                              would you be able to share with me the instructions to add back the google service.
                                              Thank you so much!