• Other
  • New FIG Kosher Phone

  • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    Techgen Verizon has a bunch of issues on the fig, ranging from not accepting the imei, intermittently disconnecting from the network and poor service in some areas. verizon's 3g shutdown should NOT affect this phone as it is not a CDMA phone, but verizon can choose to shut it anyway because it is not a supported IMEI. Best bet with this phone (if you are already stuck with it...) is T-mobile, albeit with poorer than normal reception in many areas

      Flippy I guess we can't expect FIG to refund all the phones...
      Is T-mobile worse on these phones, or you're just saying they have bad coverage in some areas like all T-mobile phones?

      • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        Worse than other T-Mobile phones...
        And why shouldn't they refund all phones?

          • a-oneLevel 3 - Gold Member

            • Edited

            Jumptoheaven they told me that I could to download from the play store a filter, and i asked them if they don't have a built in kosher software, so they said that this software is custom and only if i make a bulk order, that's what fig did he made a bulk order and they made a custom kosher software for him.

            I downloaded from the play store the netspark filter, [Login to see the link] and it crashed the phone so i turned of the phone and when i turned on the phone i got an eror that the system ui has stopped and had a black screen and wasn't able to do anything with it but i was still able to connect it to ADB so i uninstalled the netspark filter but it didn't help me and it still said that the system UI has stopped so i made adb reboot recovery and i got to the menu to reset it and i reset the phone then it was in chinnese so i followed a video to change it to English and then i got an error that the Google play store is not certified and I couldn't install any apps so i chat with them and they gave me instructions how to add back Google service and now I'm looking for a filter that could block the internet

            So if someone wants to install the netspark filter on this phone should know that it could damage the phone and I was luckely able to remove it and not always will be a way to remove it if the phone has a black screen

              • TtechyLevel 3 - Gold Member

                • Edited

                a-one wow! You had some experience.

                would you be able to share with me the instructions to add back the google service.
                Thank you so much!

                  • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                    techy Or if possible, would you post the steps here? otherwise I will provide my email too, thanks

                    a-one Please post the insructions here in a new thread if possible, these kind of guides can be really helpful to people.

                      • TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                      Flippy Ok thanks for the info. I just figured they won't be able to afford to refund all their phones, and its not technichally their fault, I guess it doesn't hurt to try. Thankfully I myself have the xp3 which is still approved. I noticed that the sunbeam orchid is not on the list, does that mean that those stopped working with ATT also?

                        • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                          Techgen I don't think they CAN refund, But I definitely think they SHOULD, based on the fact that they were selling it primarily as an AT&T phone, (as it has issues with all other networks), they were aware of the impending problem when it was released, and told all their customers not to worry and that they won't have an issue, even when AT&T was calling (alarm bells ringing?...) those customers and warning them that the phone won't be supported...

                          As for the Sunbeam, for some reason it is the only phone AFAIK that is still working even though its not on the list. They probably just didn't make a fully comprehensive list, and in reality, the Sunbeam is Volte, so it makes sense that it works.

                          • a-oneLevel 3 - Gold Member

                            • Edited

                            Apps4Flip-Admin 1.Open the Google certification page [Login to see the link] in a browser on a PC in one tab , and a converter from hex values to decimal in another tab [Login to see the link]

                            1. Device ID shows the two values we need: Android Device ID and Google Service Framework (GSF). We convert these values to decimal and copy the result from the Decimal Number field. We register the copied number on the google certification page. Both values (Android Device ID and Google Service Framework (GSF)) must be registered.
                            2. We clean the caches of Google play services and play store. We reboot the phone.
                            3. As a result, you get completely working Google services.
                              4 days later

                              how can i have google play on the qin phone?

                              Techgen the sunbeam is still working...its a little bit of a mystery why its still going. But the idea is that all phones 3g are off att as well as 4g phones that utilize a 3g system to make calls (like lg wine un220)....this is what i was told by att representative...not exactly sure what that means

                                MXRJR I was told by sunbeam that they were whitelisted by AT&T

                                8 days later


                                to the point
                                quality of call = clarity and volume
                                quality sound on its speaker = clarity and volume
                                falls to floor doesn't end up broken phone
                                punkt vs sunbeam ???

                                  • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                                    Cant say for sure.
                                    But I would give the volume and clarity to sunbeam.
                                    The durability would definitely go to the Punkt.

                                    • star replied to this.

                                      and ease of other features like texting and cameras use ?
                                      and contacts

                                      • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                                        • Edited

                                        Overall I would say sunbeam. It has dial search, various input methods, (including an excellent speech-to-text) a dedicated camera key and more.
                                        And Punkt doesn't have a camera....

                                        • star replied to this.