a homescreen launcher so we dont have to use launcher via notifications

oh nvm i found listlauncher but u cant use notifications

and it uuses default wallpaper (lg classicflip/lg wine 2 on tracfone)

L-B its a setting in voice access app by going to notification then options

    • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

      mg5077 I'm not sure what you mean

      i mean to modifly the apps to work on the lg classic flip
      so i and others can use them

      whoops wong connversation

      but can someone modify them tho

      mg5077 where can you find notifications in the voice access app?

      i dont see such a option on the lg classic

      Android Messages for lg classic.

      L-B you can use button mapper to set a button to launch anything you want including the launcher.

      4 days later
      10 days later

      practical I have to be clear that I have only a pinch of info. in this stuff, so I tried and I was unable, maybe another one here will be able and willing to do it sorry.

        mg5077 thanks anyway for trying!! maybe I will try to get an other sample of that app.