App Requests
sdmdeLevel 3 - Gold Member
can someone make a app that will filter a phone besides the lg’s like by making a admin app that blocks resets and or after deleteing browser via web then installing a app that’s not a browser that has the same package name
Lev26Level 3 - Gold Member
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Much thanks to [Login to see the link] for giving his time to modify apps that people request!!
is there a better music player for the exalt?
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
kyoc Can You send link?
NhaapsLevel 2 - Senior Member
Biden2020prez will try
NhaapsLevel 2 - Senior Member
aryeh00 unfortanatly it needs google play services to run.... but ill upload it anyway
[Login to see the link]
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
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Nhaaps Thanks.
Could someone modify the fitbit app for use on kyocera cadence s2720?
Thanks in advance!
NhaapsLevel 2 - Senior Member
nanobot567 Please upload the apk
how do i know which apps work for the exalt?
can someone post a link for the Nest app? [to control your Nest thermostat]
YyrjrLevel 1 - Junior Member
is it stealing sideloading these jewish apps, do the app developers make money based off downloads from play store, (ex. crc app, brochos app, torah anytime.) [Login to see the link]
TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
yrjr Some apps make money off ads, and I think lionscribe has been working with the admins on getting the app compatible for flipphones, which means they don't mind. Either way this would fall into the question of stealing intellectual property, which according to most poskim is an issue of hasagas gvul, meaning taking away business from somebody by offering the same thing for cheaper/free (such as copying a music album), however in this case there is no way to get these apps onto flipphones from the playstore, so this was never a market they would make money from, therefore it shouldn't be an issue. This is my opinion, if you're unsure, ask your own rov/ruv/rabbi.