BBusinessy21Level 3 - Gold Member
lgexalter1 Can you put in your Google drive or Dropbox and share the link ?
lgexalter1 Can you put in your Google drive or Dropbox and share the link ?
lgexalter1 thank you it works great
lgexalter1 thanks
Apps4Flip-Admin doesn't have very many formats supported. I tried playing .Wma and it didn't work.
LG Classic. We need a messaging app that allows more than 10 recipients. These limits weren't meant for our large yiddishe families bla"h
lgexalter1 can't wait for the app
I think that a app for the app4flip website will be a great idea and its shall also include this section (flarum) and if possible its shall also have the webadb this will be wonderful
lgexalter1 how did you get signal messenger on the exalt? is there a link you can post? thanks
lgexalter1 I mean the SetEdit app
can you help me get signal messenger onto my lg classic?
I think it's was a great idea if someone (and I think [Login to see the link] will be the best for that) can create a simple pointer (the same what [Login to see the link] added to waze and other apps) with an activation key so we can use it on all apps
lgexalter1 Can you grant voice access permission from that app? How ?
lgexalter1 I get an error I can't change number or anything
lgexalter1 is there a way to enable this app to do more things? like uninstall system apps?
lgexalter1 I look around in the app it's looks to me that its supposed to be an option to add a input method (like Yiddish) if you can confirm that and try to figure out how to do that
lgexalter1 I have installed heb key on my phone
Is there a way to modify a Kaios app to work for android (specifically Tweetfit)
lgexalter1 doesn’t work mayb I made a mistake what when I creat enable_accessibility_settings as the value I put the
I Added Tehillim To The ANDDAVEN!!