JKing2 lgexalter1 how did you get signal messenger on the exalt? is there a link you can post? thanks
mg5077 I think it's was a great idea if someone (and I think [Login to see the link] will be the best for that) can create a simple pointer (the same what [Login to see the link] added to waze and other apps) with an activation key so we can use it on all apps
mg5077 lgexalter1 I look around in the app it's looks to me that its supposed to be an option to add a input method (like Yiddish) if you can confirm that and try to figure out how to do that
Msing lgexalter1 doesn’t work mayb I made a mistake what when I creat enable_accessibility_settings as the value I put the com.android.cts........
SamFried SamFried sorry here is the new link. the previous had a bug that crashed the app on LG can somebody with a exalt please test it and check if the tehillim is working? [Login to see the link]
SamFried mg5077 new link and I fixed the bugs it's working already for the LG too [Login to see the link]