lgexalter1 I get an error I can't change number or anything

lgexalter1 is there a way to enable this app to do more things? like uninstall system apps?

lgexalter1 I look around in the app it's looks to me that its supposed to be an option to add a input method (like Yiddish) if you can confirm that and try to figure out how to do that

  • YYmsLevel 3 - Gold Member

    Is there a way to modify a Kaios app to work for android (specifically Tweetfit)

    lgexalter1 doesn’t work mayb I made a mistake what when I creat enable_accessibility_settings as the value I put the com.android.cts........

      So is anybody working on a hebrew keyboard for the flip phones?

        Google voice,
        google maps.
        mx player pr any other good audio player that plays in the background and remembers where it stopped.

        SamFried not sure, on my other phone i have the tag installed filter and a msg popped up asking to download yiddish.