lgexalter1 I have installed heb key on my phone
App Requests
YYmsLevel 3 - Gold Member
Is there a way to modify a Kaios app to work for android (specifically Tweetfit)
MMsingLevel 1 - Junior Member
lgexalter1 doesn’t work mayb I made a mistake what when I creat enable_accessibility_settings as the value I put the com.android.cts........
SamFriedLevel 3 - Gold Member
I Added Tehillim To The ANDDAVEN!!
SamFriedLevel 3 - Gold Member
[Login to see the link] you can update it on the website too.
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
SamFried you've uploaded a .bin file....
SamFriedLevel 3 - Gold Member
Jumptoheaven rename it to .apk
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
SamFried tried that. Didn't help.
SamFriedLevel 3 - Gold Member
So is anybody working on a hebrew keyboard for the flip phones?
AApperLevel 2 - Senior Member
Google voice,
google maps.
mx player pr any other good audio player that plays in the background and remembers where it stopped.
RrandombochurLevel 1 - Junior Member
- Edited
There is a hacked version of that filter going around with a modified network policy and injected code to make it think it is licensed and that can be transferred to any device for free.
It also has all the features like yiddish keyboard, etc.
If you want it, just post your email or another way for me to send something to you and I will send it.