• torahanytime

Works on mine. Obviously it's a little clunky, but it works

    mr-mayor This is the old one.
    I'm looking for the new one....

    Sorry I just modified this a few weeks ago.

    If u get me the APK of the new one, I can try to modify it.

      Sorry. Here is the new one. I didn't use much yet, just tried it out. It's a little tricky to get the mouse to right spot to hit "skip" to get out of the intro screen, but it can be done.
      [Login to see the link]

        mr-mayor I played around a bunch. It's good besides for when you search speakers and click on the one you want, you cannot scroll down and see the lectures in that speaker.

          Atusb If u have the new version of the KCO mouse, scrolling generally works much better because u can scroll with the mouse. I don't know if it will help here specifically.

            Atusb I modified it here using the original from APKPure with the same version number that you had. I didn't try it on my phone. It should load, but like many apps, it may not work properly. Please let me know if it works.

            [Login to see the link]

              mr-mayor How can i get the new version of KCO mouse?

              Flippy When I put it on, all the buttons stop working!!!!

                Atusb You have to redo your permissions, and redo the permissions that allow mouse/voice access/ button mapper to work together. But you have to replace the command for whatever mouse u were using with the the name of the Kco mouse.

                Here are the permission commands:
                adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.voicecommand
                adb shell appops set com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow
                adb shell settings put secure accessibility_enabled 1
                adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse/com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse.services.MouseEventService
                adb shell am startservice com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse/com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse.services.MouseEventService

                and here is the commands to enable the mouse/voice access/ button mapper to work together:

                adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services com.android.cts.flar2.homebutton/a.i:com.android.cts.apps.accessibility.voiceaccess/com.google.android.apps.accessibility.voiceaccess.JustSpeakService:com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse/com.android.cts.virresh.kcomouse.services.MouseEventService
                adb shell settings put secure accessibility_enabled 1

                  • AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member

                    • Edited

                    mr-mayor heres what i get: Error: Requires permission android.permission.BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE
                    but it works now