TorahAnytime Daily Dose: [Login to see the link]

  • Might take a while to load in the beginning, but works fine afterward.
  • Scroll using the D-pad, and select using a mouse.

Flappy Bird: [Login to see the link]

  • Tap with a mouse
  • There's a drop of lag, but you get used to it after a few games
  • My highscore is around the 40s (not to brag, just to give you an idea that the app works)
12 days later

Crossy Road: [Login to see the link]

  • Fully Controlled by the D-Pad!
  • Pretty big file (123MB), takes about a minute and a half to install
  • Takes a while to start up, but not glitchy after (Tested on the Go Flip V and a few Kyoceras)
  • Shkoyach [Login to see the link] for showing me how to remove ads!

List Launcher: [Login to see the link]

  • EDIT: I would reccomend lionscribe's launcher (That's the one I currently use).
  • Alternative to the Apps4Flip launcher.
  • Shows all system apps. (Not just installed apps.)
  • I personally set it at 4 columns, so it just shows icons
  • You can change the settings by clicking on the second list launcher icon (the first one just refreshes the list)
    19 days later

    Don't know if you all know about this already, (not my work, just sharing since I was happy to find it), but I've been looking for an alternative to the stock IME on my Schok, trying to copy apks from other flips, etc., because the built-in one is very skippy/jumpy, and I came across this - [Login to see the link] . Was pretty happy with it to begin with, but having an issue, so I opened an issue, and was shown an updated fork here - [Login to see the link] . Works great, and is far superior to the stock IME...

      24 Six (Version 1.6.5): [Login to see the link] (Updated app details in the [Login to see the link])
      For more information check out [Login to see the link].

      • In order to sign in, you first need a subscription which you can get at [Login to see the link]
      • Offline Listening now available! (Details [Login to see the link])
      • The screen density (dpi) on most phones isn't small enough to sign into the app. Either you can use the density app posted by 12345 below, or run adb commands.

      1st run the command adb shell wm density 80 to sign in. When you're signed in, you can change your screen density back with the command adb shell wm density 160 (The standard density on most phones is 160 with a few exceptions. [Login to see the link])

      • You can scroll with the D-pad, and select with a mouse.
      • Another quick note on dpi: The music & podcast player are easier to control with your dpi set to 80. Also, the dpi needs to be 80 (בערך) or lower for the library to work (and for you to access your downloads). However, the video player will look weird if you're not on your default dpi.

      I've been using this app for a while now, and I love it! Whoever came up with this idea is amazing! It might take a little bit to get used to scrolling and selecting because the app is designed for smartphones. Apps4Flip-Admin said that they're working on a flip phone version, but while we wait we have this. Enjoy!

        8 days later


        I modified and edited a dpi changer app that allows you to change your dpi

        this also solves the problems with I suggest you make the density 70 for when using and for 24/6 signing in (see above) FliphoneBochur who suggests when signing in set the dpi to 80

        [Login to see the link]

        it needs an adb command when promted of

        adb shell pm grant android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS

        and on web adb

        pm grant android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS

        it is a very useful app for all apps


        to make the screen more compact (zoomed out) and fit more pixels on the screen lower the dpi
        [to make the screen fit less pixels on the screen raise the dpi]
        to reset to the default dpi just click reset in the app

          3 months later
          19 days later

          Here is a simple and easy to use [Login to see the link] and a more organized [Login to see the link] which works well with voiceaccess (showing numbers). In both apps any emoji you select gets copied to clipboard. Both apps have ads removed.

          2 months later