Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
esaphire3 I don't know much about banks, I just know a ton of security is involved
esaphire3 I don't know much about banks, I just know a ton of security is involved
Biden2020prez Keyphone owner is the same owner of [Login to see the link]
so they already have all bank connections
SamFried I just looked at that site, it looks pretty cool. It's getting me excited.
they jusy sent out today the 2nd beta questionnaire [Login to see the link]
[Login to see the link] is the 3rd one.
And the results...
[Login to see the link]
Anyone has any input on this?
Flippy All the surverys were cool, but I didnt get my hopes up too high.
Because in a picture things look nice, but in real life it's very hard to make things perfect. But hopefully they do it well. It looks like something great can come out of this phone. Hopefully it does.
Weve all been waiting for the right phone...
Biden2020prez What actually impresses me is the detail of what they are asking; it shows they care. A lot of other phones have come out saying that they're focusing on what people need, but at the end of the day they feel like they're just pushing a product out because they know it will sell. The market is in a really rough spot right now so people are buying anything (looking at you, $900 LG exalts). To see someone go so out of their way to ask such specific details means they're at least trying. Others have done it but showed it zero care in actually making their product the best.
Flippy I can't argue with that.
Hopefully they follow through and produce an amazing phone
They sent out an email claiming they sent out the 'alpha' version of the phone and the next step is sending out the beta phones to testers.
ZTEGuy Well, only if you pay for the phone... Beta testers need to buy the phone (at cost price)
countrypark Yeah, seems silly, but they will charge beta testers. Weird...
Biden2020prez The question is what kind of a discount off the retail price beta testers will receive to make it worth it to essentialy work for them...
countrypark Yeah, agreed. If they are very confident in their product then its okay to charge