• Tech Help
  • Where do I enter adb commands on my computer

Shiezoli After you connect. You just need to grant access on your phone. It should ask when you type a command

    Techgen But when I press "connect" after i have added my device, it just pops up "Eror- access denied" and it wouldn't let me connect my device.

      Shiezoli I use the desktop version of adb with command prompt, not webadb, so I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to, maybe someone that uses webadb can help.

      Shiezoli Adb will only work in powershell or cmd if you're running it in the adb platform tools you downloaded. You have to decide if you want to use webadb or download adb platform tools and use powershell.

        Techgen so how then can I run the command "adb kill-server" that Jumptoheaven told me to run, to fix the problem of WebABD poping up "Eror-Access Denied" when trying connecting after adding the device?

        Shiezoli try writing ./adb kill-server
        in the future use these symbols befor every command ./

          This time I tryed to connect it changed the language a little bit to "Error
          Failed to execute 'open' on 'USBDevice': Access denied.".

            Shiezoli Try to end the task in task manager (if you find it).
            Fyi, this will only work if the problem is, that you have a local adb client running on your machine, in which case you need to kill by it by running "adb kill-server" from within adb local.
            If that isn't your problem then none of this will help.

              Shiezoli This might be obvious, but just double checking, is your phone filtered?

                Shiezoli try revoking access from developer options on your phone, and then reconnect to webadb and grant it access.

                  Figured it out!
                  I just had to change USB Configuration in Developer options from MTP to MIDI.
                  Thank you all for you'r help!

                  But i'm geting now a new issue, when pasting in the last command in interactive shell
                  "am startservice com.android.cts.appsflipcursor/com.android.cts.appsflipcursor.services.MouseEventService"
                  i'm getting this eror = Error: Requires permission not exported from uid 10076

                    Shiezoli That error is normal, just try it, if it doesn't work try it again.

                    It's working
                    Thanks so much for the help