Where do I enter adb commands on my computer
This time I tryed to connect it changed the language a little bit to "Error
Failed to execute 'open' on 'USBDevice': Access denied.".
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
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Shiezoli Try to end the task in task manager (if you find it).
Fyi, this will only work if the problem is, that you have a local adb client running on your machine, in which case you need to kill by it by running "adb kill-server" from within adb local.
If that isn't your problem then none of this will help.
Jumptoheaven im just using WebADB's web client on Windows on Chrome as I was told to do. is there enything else I can do?
JumptoheavenLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Shiezoli try revoking access from developer options on your phone, and then reconnect to webadb and grant it access.
Jumptoheaven still pops up the eror
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Figured it out!
I just had to change USB Configuration in Developer options from MTP to MIDI.
Thank you all for you'r help!
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But i'm geting now a new issue, when pasting in the last command in interactive shell
"am startservice com.android.cts.appsflipcursor/com.android.cts.appsflipcursor.services.MouseEventService"
i'm getting this eror = Error: Requires permission not exported from uid 10076
It's working
Thanks so much for the help