• KklienLevel 1 - Junior Member

    • Edited

    klien got it already
    adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 com.android.email

    Flippy Thanks! I saw this but it only gives options for ROMs with pre-added apps, whereas I want to be able to add more apps while blocking browser. Is there a ROM for just allowing apps install?

      • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        mendymishmn I dont think they have that here because that would allow even unkosher apps so it sort of defeats the purpose...

          Flippy Well, apps4flip itself provides many more apps on the apps page than pre-included in any of the kosher ROMs for this phone. And say someone (like me) is delaying tagging/kashering his device until he can figure out how to do it himself for the purpose of adding more kosher apps, it would seemingly be wiser to show how to do it.

          lgexalter1 I think that people can download inappropriate content to their phone the same way they would have downloaded apks to their phone.

          I also think that someone who is kashering his phone is in a strong, healthy place at that time, and will choose the ROM with the kashrus standard appropriate for him. If he knows that he can't handle himself with a ROM that allows apk installation, he'll get one of the higher standard ones. If he's not bichlal interested in kashering his phone, than he already has a browser from the beginning. Who is being saved?

            mendymishmn A few points:

            mendymishmn I think that people can download inappropriate content to their phone the same way they would have downloaded apks to their phone. Somebody with a kosher phone, kosher computer, kosher tablet, cannot download inappropriate content onto his phone.

            All the Roms have different settings. For example, some have no video. Yes, some inappropriate content can be downloaded onto the phone (assuming one has access to a device to download that content). But, if you make a phone kosher, that means it shouldn't be able to download such things.

            Being able to install any app you want includes social media, streaming sites, youtube, dating apps, and even Browsers. That isn't called kosher. It would defeat the purpose.

            mendymishmn I also think that someone who is kashering his phone is in a strong, healthy place at that time, and will choose the ROM with the kashrus standard appropriate for him. If he knows that he can't handle himself with a ROM that allows apk installation, he'll get one of the higher standard ones.

            But if you are allowing APK installation, you are not kashering your phone! You may as well keep the browser.

            mendymishmn If he's not bichlal interested in kashering his phone, than he already has a browser from the beginning. Who is being saved?

            And if he is interested... then why should he allow APK Installation? I would ask the opposite question:

            If a guy isn't interested in filtering his phone, he wont install a filter anyway. If he is interested, then he'll block APK installation. So who would a rom with APK installation be for?


              I have my flip phone TCL Flip, which is model 4058E. I was using the neutronscott method from reddit but it take a very long time about <waiting for any device> in adb directory after I type the adb command. ./fastboot flashing unlock. Can you tell me why was it took very long?



                Tachlis - I don't see how allowing APKs is not simply a different standard in kashrus. Who decided that the "kosher" levels of kashrus go until here, and no further? Those who wouldn't allow themselves a phone that can play video would make the same argument you're making as to why. Yet there's still a ROM available for it.

                Perhaps I should clarify my goal - to disable the browser, install any (kosher, obviously) APKs I need, and remove all other internet devices from my life. Thus, If Chas V'Shalom I ever succumb to the yetzer, I'd have to either get myself a new internet device or borrow someone else's to download more APKs or (just as easily) download inappropriate content to the device.

                If anyone is willing to help, please do.

                Also, I'm open to changing my view, if anyone has some new points to make as to why the above isn't a good idea.

                BasicPhone Simple. HebDate is a commercial app. There has to be some financial renumeration to the developer team to support a kosher flip version. As there are no ads available on kosher phone, they need a corporate sponsor to advertise statically on the app, to cover costs for the kosher version.

                  6 days later

                  Ok. So I'm kind of a begginer to all this and all this stuff is super confusing! I just want to remove browser and have apps on TCL Flip . How can I do this simply. (WEB ADB doesn't recognize my device.)

                    is there any service in Israel that works on the tcl flip I tried HOT MOBILE and the data does not work.
                    or is there some setting or apn to add?

                      Your Internet data will only work by entering the APN settings. To do this, follow the steps below:

                      Settings --> More Settings or More Networks --> Mobile Networks --> Access Point Names -->

                      • Add New APN

                      Name: Hot
                      APN: net.hotm


                      Select Hot as the APN.

                      jakehelm if you have a tcl flip that runs on the kaois system you need to use BananaHackers.net

                      lionscribe i added that apn, still no data. do you currently have this phone working in Israel?