Biden2020prez I wonder if it would have this issue appsphoarflip (maybe someone can teach me how to properly quote)
Biden2020prez darth From that post I can't tell what [Login to see the link] said Either: The schok is android 11 go, and all android 11 doesn't include the necessary apis. Or: The schok is android 11 go, and android 11 go doesn't include etc.
appsphoarflip Biden2020prez I believe unfortunately both Android 11 and Android 11 Go are affected by the same bug. You can read more about it here: [Login to see the link].
zvirose Biden2020prez the shock classic has google services (such as Google play services , Google assistant etc ) and I'm assuming the shock flip also does . Which means it's probably running android go
Reifam appsphoarflip I have the CAT S22 Flip which runs on andriod 11 Go Edition and everything works fine.
appsphoarflip Reifam Yes, because that phone has a touch screen. The bug only affects monitors that do not report themselves as touch screens. Because the CAT S22 has a touch screen, the bug doesn't affect it and a virtual mouse would also work.
darth I have the phone. *#*#33284#*#* Turns on USB Debugging. After that Im stuck. I get these errors: When trying to install apps: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: Failed rename] When I try uninstalling with adb uninstall Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] When I try uninstalling with adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 Failure to remove user owner's system package:
Biden2020prez darth And if you don't mind telling me how to find these secret codes or at least sending me a link with instructions...
darth I can disable apps: adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 Disables the browser.
Biden2020prez SamFried darth I can disable apps: adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 Disables the browser.
Biden2020prez lgexalter1 darth I can disable apps: adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 Disables the browser. lgexalter1 How do I figure out the architecture? darth True, in general a smartphone settings app would be nice to have because it'll include more capabilities.
Cseal89 darth Hi, I’m a total newbi here, i have this phone and all i want to do is disable the browser… where do i begin? 🙈
darth To turn on Developer Options run adb shell settings put global development_settings_enabled 1 The develepor options menu is found in the About phone menu
darth Biden2020prez Almost all of the settings can be accessed on this phone. Go to Developer options>Running services>Android Services Library (its the last one by me...)>Settings> Than using scrcpy or [Login to see the link] Select on the Search icon. This allows you to search for more settings. Im sure there are other ways to do this, if you get to any place in settings that has a search icon you can find more settings. lgexalter1 What error are you getting? Either way you can disable the browser in settings by using the above method. Interestingly you cant disable texting through settings but you can through the adb command I provided. lgexalter1 see darth
darth [Login to see the link] sdmde I have OEM unlocked, can you help me make a fully kosher option for this phone? You can email me directly at [Login to see the link]
Biden2020prez try settings put secure install_non_market_apps 1. (how do I put the grey over commands?) If still not work then **settings put global install_non_market_apps 1
darth Biden2020prez #tfunlock# works to get to unlock menu. When I put a non-Tracfone Sim it just has a notification for an invalid Sim. Biden2020prez click on </> to put in code. That command went through but didnt allow me to install apps. When I press on an apk in the file manager I get the error: "Installation apk is not supported" and when I try installing apps via adb I get the error "Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: Failed rename]"
Biden2020prez When you put a non-Tracfone Sim, does it ask for a unlock code (also do you know whether it asks for one or 2)? what if you dial #tfunlock#? Thanks!
Biden2020prez I wonder if the phone has a package installer, but either way it should work via ADB. I'm assuming you're referring to apps4flip apps (or other modified ones). Do you do it on webadb? You use the shell, or simply press install apk?
darth Biden2020prez I use ADB in command prompt. I tried modified apps from a4f and ones that I modified myself (including ones with install location set as preferred external). Biden2020prez I got the secret codes from these forums. Also this debug code has worked on alcatels for years now, I originally saw it on bananahackers.