ZZTEGuyLevel 3 - Gold Member
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It looks like the patched boot img doesn't boot with tracfone, only walmart family mobile
It looks like the patched boot img doesn't boot with tracfone, only walmart family mobile
My phone arrives tomorrow night hopefully. I made an attempt at writing a quick custom script that runs on boot using the patched.img that darth posted. It polls /data/local/tmp for *.sh files every 5 sec. It writes a .out file and skips .sh which already have a .out. Hopefully all running as root. If it works you should be able to do something like:
cd /data/local/tmp
cat >1.sh <<EOF
resetprop ro.vendor.tct.endurance true
resetprop ro.build.type userdebug
Wait 5 sec and check the properties...
lgexalter1 here EnriqueMcquade or [Login to see the link]
Maybe I uploaded the wrong one. My phone just arrived and I've lots of ideas so hopefully tonight after work one of them works for us.
I've uploaded the new image in the same place if anyone wants to play with it. It just runs a script that looks for scripts in /data/local/tmp/*.sh that it will run as root.
eb50480572980ab6894b08789bbc47f0 neutron.img
[Login to see the link]
neutronscott Your img booted fine but when trying to run su it still says Permission denied
. And in /data/local/tmp there are no .sh files all thats showing is: mtk-su myscript.out
. Am I supposed to be doing something to make your script run?
lgexalter1 I tried pushing a basic script and got the following errors: resetprop: __system_properties_init error
which is the same error it throws when I try using resetprop in adb. (Thanx for asking around for a magisk exploit
resetprop: __system_properties_init error )
lgexalter1 Interesting... adb shell getprop ro.build.type
returns userdebug andadb shell getprop ro.vendor.tct.endurance
returns a blank line, in fact it seems there is no prop ro.vendor.tct.endurance
Apps4Flip-Admin Apps4Flip-Admin Apps4Flip-Admin Can you explain these posts and update based on our current situation? What exactly needs to be modified?
I made it as a way to test things as root until more is discovered. For example:
Gflip6_TF:/data/local/tmp $ echo 'cat /vendor/build.prop' > 3.sh; sleep 5; cat 3.out | head
Gflip6_TF:/data/local/tmp $
More details will follow!
lgexalter1 Definitely!
I'm excited (and waiting) to hear the details of the breakthrough
Right now it can be done with using the boot.img neutronscott provided and than running the following commands from adb shell:
/data/local/tmp $ echo 'resetprop ro.build.product gflip6gc' > /data/local/tmp/1.sh
/data/local/tmp $ echo 'pkill system_server' > /data/local/tmp/2.sh
[Login to see the link] is working on simplifying his boot.img to not need these commands.
Thank You! This is amazing work [Login to see the link] . Can't wait to try it out later tonight!
Now that we are able to modify the properties to allow installs, next step is to get a MDM based filter working on it!
Apps4Flip-Admin What is a "MDM filter"? I am trying different things to make the new boot.img allow install without user intervention but I already tried to install a launcher from here and it was still not allowed. That is my next task, but [Login to see the link] reminded me of the key shortcuts can be set to any installed app so at least that gets things running.
I decided to go with setting the ro.vendor.tct.endurance variable in a custom.rc.
on init
setprop neutron.build 2022-09-01T00:10
on post-fs-data
exec u:r:magisk:s0 root root -- ${MAGISKTMP}/magisk resetprop -n ro.vendor.tct.endurance true
Same URL but I kept the old img that ran the shell script every 5 sec as neutron-debug
This is built with Magisk-v25.2.apk
9612c358d5130c399787d1840b3fd5f0 [Login to see the link] [neutron.build=2022-09-01T03:50]
eb50480572980ab6894b08789bbc47f0 [Login to see the link]
Instructions are something like --
to enable adb (optional)To remove write protection on emmc partitions in normal boot run /vendor/bin/write_protect 0
neutronscott Great work! An MDM filter is something that allows a user to block access to specific apps. A lot of users in this community use it to prevent there flip phone from having internet access, hence the reference here.
We would love to post these instructions on our main site with a link to your image. Are you ok with us doing that? What name would you want us to list as credit for this?
Apps4Flip-Admin Yes I think this thread is too long. Please put it on a device page or something
Just the handle neutronscott is fine.
neutronscott Will do! Thank You