darth Can you share the unmodified super?

how do you get su access on this phone

    okay got it

    I keep trying to push my new bootanimation.zip using the command "adb push bootanimation.zip /product/media" and it keeps responding "remote couldn't create file: Read-only file system", even though I did [Login to see the link]'s instructions

      • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        ZTEGuy Your not going to have root access unless you are in shell. You can try pushing it to /sdcard/ and then in a root shell try copying it to /product/media. Good luck!

          • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

            ZTEGuy Ok good to know, I will add that to my zip...

            darth how do you copy in shell

            On the cricket and tmobile versions, all 4 dpad keys can be customized.

            • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              darth Settings>About Phone>Software information>Software version

              Yes I know how to find the software version. My question is what is the newest version? Mine says "Software version 03"

              does anyone know how to move files within the device with adb

              I tried to add my boot animation but it doesn't work

              SamFried yes, This was discussed upthread (please read all 570 posts before posting 🙂 )
              disclaimer: that was a joke

                SamFried I heard that this filter isn't so reliable.... (I can't say anything else on this forums)

                lgexalter1 yes but for obvious reasons I won't elaborate