CchaimzalmanLevel 1 - Junior Member
darth Can one install other apps after doing this?
darth Can one install other apps after doing this?
Jumptoheaven took about 45 min for me
NEC I got it working but when I had screen lock activated after doing a successful nohup command then after detaching the phone I initially got the mouse toggled with Quick dial but then when I closed phone and lock screen was activated then I could no longer get the mouse toggle through Quick dial.
However disabling my screenlock solved the problem and the Quick dial mouse toggle kept working reliably even after both disconnecting the phone from the PC and closing the phone. (Note:as has been pointed by [Login to see the link] at the end [Login to see the link] using the power button to toggle the mouse is problematic)
If Anyone wants to disable video, you can try adb Disable package/activity, but to disable permanently we may need to mod the Gallery app, unless there is a way to force disable apps Activities.
Did anyone else realize the system apps have classes.dex
Biden2020prez I tried to mod the gallery app, but it wouldn't work properly afterwards
ZTEGuy email me [Login to see the link]
What is the path to get to this (i couldn't find it)
Why is modules grayed out and how do i enable it.
lgexalter1 do you do select and patch a file or direct install
Biden2020prez neither Worked. Do i need to make system rw
lgexalter1 when i press okay on my rooted 4058w t mobile it brings me to that screen
lgexalter1 it gIves me that pop up every time i reboot my phone and open magisk
Biden2020prez You have to reboot from the popup
I will try uninstall then reinstall
When I say yes to reboot it brings me to screen that asks to do direct install or choose a file.
lgexalter1 Can you check what version you have
Button mapper is working for all buttons tmobile variant
Can i enable rw From the phone itself
lgexalter1 dont have access to a computer with adb. Any specific instructions?