• darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    lgexalter1 pushed to /data/local/tmp/ and I was in Gflip6_TF:/data/local/tmp #

    neutronscott What do you mean? I tried that grab binary with /dev/input/event1 and event2 all it did was show me when a button was pressed, is it supposed to do more?

      darth yeah it should do the enable mouse setting with quickdial press when using event1.

      I'll make it a proper service and magisk module maybe soon

        • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

          neutronscott Ok I realized it is working when I used your grab binary, but only while the binary is running, once I stop it/close shell than the mouse activation stops.

          Is it possible to have the apps cause the mouse to start? Why does the browser start it? It would be more convenient if we didn't even make a toggle for it rather it would be the default selector in the app similar to the browser?

            darth believe services.jar watches for the hardcoded org.chromium.chrome to be in focus. I don't know how to modify the included framework yet. I can modify the class file but haven't gotten it repacked to even try flashing.

              neutronscott Yes. I Was actually discussing this with someone Recently. This is why i suggested earlier that you make another apps package org.Chromium.chrome and the cursor should appear. Very likely if you named a launcher, for example list launcher org.chromium.chrome and launched an app the cursor would stay. An issue is that its programmed in the phone that the mouse can only reach certain parts of the screen upon chromium launch, an issue not present with the regular adb Command (i assume)

                Biden2020prez Don't think it's so easy though. The entire java package would need renamed. Difficult with anything more than a small project you already have the source to as far as I know.

                  neutronscott The person I spoke with was able to simply do that on the etalk.

                  Is it a fast phone? worth buying?

                  I hate slow phones...

                    SamFried Yes, pretty decent (especially compared to other alcatels)

                    • NNECLevel 1 - Junior Member

                      Biden2020prez i think you're mistaken on 2 points. A) even the enabled pointer has boundaries and can't reach some parts of the screen. B) the pointer doesn't automatically show up upon opening org.chromium.chrome. only when a tab is opened does the pointer enable. that would seem to be a setting in the app itself, no?

                        NEC I looked at it briefly myself and agree. Opened up Chromium.apk and it does the same setting in an AccessibilityManager onWindowFocusChanged(): Settings.System.putInt(getContentResolver(), "keyboard_pointer_enable", z ? 1 : 0)

                        It's probably possible to develop our own application that does this same event handler but enables the mouse for a list of applications.

                          • NNECLevel 1 - Junior Member

                            neutronscott i'm gonna leave that for the people with brains😊

                            • NNECLevel 1 - Junior Member

                              neutronscott i think i can confirm this. i ran adb shell settings list system when the browser was running and keyboard_pointer_enable value was 1. when i reran after the screen turned off it was reset to 0

                              NEC Interesting. I just assumed that it wasn't limited to parts of the screen, but never tested it. I wonder where that setting is declared, and how hard it would be to change it.

                              neutronscott how about from pressing a key?
                              or adding code to the apps themselves? I am asking because people might have a lot of different apps?

                                Biden2020prez I made a daemon that toggled it by pressing quick dial. Someone said it'd be better if it enabled itself when an app started.

                                But I'm out of the game again. Broke this phone. I tried patching the preloader. I don't think it was the patch itself but that I started at the wrong offset. There was a 2048 header in my dump vs the edited preloader_raw.bin from the update zip. I assumed fastboot would do the right thing... Oops?

                                I also thought brom would let me recover but I see no USB activity. Perhaps I need a uart cable to speak serial to the primitive brom.

                                  neutronscott wow! Sorry you cant recover 🙁 . I remember If said it would he nicer to open for apps, i just think he is wrong. (Not in a mean way)

                                    Biden2020prez I wouldn't mind learning enough to make a quick Android app that'd do both. I'm sure it wouldn't take a lot of code to just print a list of apps and a toggle to say auto-start mouse. Plus a toggle to intercept the quickdial/camera button...

                                    But I just donated $20 for an Android kitchen app and have no phone now so priority is low..

                                      Wow! This thread now has more posts than other thread!

                                      • TtechyLevel 3 - Gold Member

                                        neutronscott If you have an option to donate a coffee on GitHub or something like that, then people may be willing to chip in. Especially since so many people are relying on you since they can't do anything themselves.