lgexalter1 when i press okay on my rooted 4058w t mobile it brings me to that screen

lgexalter1 it gIves me that pop up every time i reboot my phone and open magisk

    I will try uninstall then reinstall

    When I say yes to reboot it brings me to screen that asks to do direct install or choose a file.

    Button mapper is working for all buttons tmobile variant

    Can i enable rw From the phone itself

    lgexalter1 dont have access to a computer with adb. Any specific instructions?

    Temporary solution to toggle the mouse:
    I granted button mapper root access, and then set a key (long tap top right softkey) to run settings --user 0 put system keyboard_pointer_enable 1 as a shell command.

      Jumptoheaven That is because you are using the mod premium Version. Whoever is comfortable using it can use shell command function.

        To be precise it says toybox: unknown command: settings

          lgexalter1 Does that mean it will steal my info, or it means it will break my phone?

          di2020 macro droid Can toggle the mouse. Just use the command Jumptoheaven Posted. You don't even need the --user 0