Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
lgexalter1 when i press okay on my rooted 4058w t mobile it brings me to that screen
lgexalter1 when i press okay on my rooted 4058w t mobile it brings me to that screen
lgexalter1 it gIves me that pop up every time i reboot my phone and open magisk
Biden2020prez You have to reboot from the popup
I will try uninstall then reinstall
When I say yes to reboot it brings me to screen that asks to do direct install or choose a file.
lgexalter1 Can you check what version you have
Button mapper is working for all buttons tmobile variant
Can i enable rw From the phone itself
lgexalter1 dont have access to a computer with adb. Any specific instructions?
lgexalter1 install apps as system (i want to try with lucky patcher)
Temporary solution to toggle the mouse:
I granted button mapper root access, and then set a key (long tap top right softkey) to run settings --user 0 put system keyboard_pointer_enable 1
as a shell command.
Jumptoheaven That is because you are using the mod premium Version. Whoever is comfortable using it can use shell command function.
Biden2020prez I am getting unknown command: settings
Biden2020prez Did you grant root access?
Jumptoheaven yes
To be precise it says toybox: unknown command: settings
Biden2020prez I got that before I granted root.
lgexalter1 Does that mean it will steal my info, or it means it will break my phone?
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di2020 macro droid Can toggle the mouse. Just use the command Jumptoheaven Posted. You don't even need the --user 0