Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Jumptoheaven i see your issue now. I use 321x428 screen resolution.
Jumptoheaven i see your issue now. I use 321x428 screen resolution.
Anyhow I used Lucky Patcher to remove video from the gallery app
ZTEGuy works temporarily.
Jumptoheaven i can try making a scaled down version of buttonmapper.
Biden2020prez Was kinda hoping that someone would play with the wm size and see what works. I believe that 321x428 is what [Login to see the link] posted for the classic.
Biden2020prez Tried it and it works.
Jumptoheaven that's where i took it from. I am using a root app and can switch back and forth from a notification.
Biden2020prez can you post a link to button mapper
Jumptoheaven That resolution makes it impossible to see anything!
ZTEGuy near the bottom uploaded apps thread
Biden2020prez which app
I modded the gallery to not have video. I Installed it using lucky patcher to disable signature verification. I can recover from a brick and don't have personal info on my phone. If you are concerned to use lucky patcher, just delete the current gallery From system folder and put this gallery.
[Login to see the link]
How should I install mod apk?
I installed it thru adb, but then I had to use lucky patcher to change it to a system app. And after all that the gallery plays video!
I modified the app with lucky patcher myself, and it works!
ZTEGuy darn I thought that was it. I'll look into it again one day. Launcher3 needs fixes for higher resolution, allow up/down shortcuts, and of course adding apps.
I saw button mapper was paid to run a shell command. Was macro droid a free solution? Just trying to see if making my own app was still useful. The whole accessibility service and keeping the app from being killed seemed unreliable... My Linux app could run in a .rc as a service but wouldn't provide room for customization
di2020 Wow, amazing deal & picked one up. Thanks! Tons have watched that item recently so I suspect these will become insanely popular soon.
Just to be clear, 3rd party apps can be installed the usual way by just enabling ADB and sending the apk over like the Classic? Does it need the launcher too? Sorry, it wasn't apparent in the github page if that's all that needs done.
sappypappy you will need to flash the modified boot image to root the phone to bypass the package installer protection. Then adb install works fine even before completing the magisk setup.
neutronscott Gotcha, thank you. And a patched boot imagine for a tiny flip is awesome. Host file ad blocking & filtering ftw!