Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Alcatel TCL Flip 2 (T408DL)
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
I modded the gallery to not have video. I Installed it using lucky patcher to disable signature verification. I can recover from a brick and don't have personal info on my phone. If you are concerned to use lucky patcher, just delete the current gallery From system folder and put this gallery.
[Login to see the link]
ZZTEGuyLevel 3 - Gold Member
How should I install mod apk?
ZZTEGuyLevel 3 - Gold Member
I installed it thru adb, but then I had to use lucky patcher to change it to a system app. And after all that the gallery plays video!
ZZTEGuyLevel 3 - Gold Member
I modified the app with lucky patcher myself, and it works!
NneutronscottLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
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ZTEGuy darn I thought that was it. I'll look into it again one day. Launcher3 needs fixes for higher resolution, allow up/down shortcuts, and of course adding apps.
I saw button mapper was paid to run a shell command. Was macro droid a free solution? Just trying to see if making my own app was still useful. The whole accessibility service and keeping the app from being killed seemed unreliable... My Linux app could run in a .rc as a service but wouldn't provide room for customization
SsappypappyLevel 1 - Junior Member
di2020 Wow, amazing deal & picked one up. Thanks! Tons have watched that item recently so I suspect these will become insanely popular soon.
Just to be clear, 3rd party apps can be installed the usual way by just enabling ADB and sending the apk over like the Classic? Does it need the launcher too? Sorry, it wasn't apparent in the github page if that's all that needs done.
NneutronscottLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
sappypappy you will need to flash the modified boot image to root the phone to bypass the package installer protection. Then adb install works fine even before completing the magisk setup.
SsappypappyLevel 1 - Junior Member
neutronscott Gotcha, thank you. And a patched boot imagine for a tiny flip is awesome. Host file ad blocking & filtering ftw!
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
free, but needs root.
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
neutronscott What is the point of Magisk here?
NneutronscottLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Flippy Do you mean you'd like app installs to work, but not root access? Why not have it all?
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
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Like if I am doing this for a friend [just to remove browser and add apps] and I dont want him to mess around with root access, I can uninstall Magisk right away? its just for doing extra stuff, correct?
NneutronscottLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Flippy You'd want to flash back the stock boot.img to remove magisk and the ability to install packages. magisk cannot be removed on its own. A new boot.img would need to be made. It so far hasn't seemed useful. Either want both to have development of a ROM, or neither when a ROM is made for end users.
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Search settings app [Login to see the link]
SsappypappyLevel 1 - Junior Member
neutronscott I'd imagine if some could choose to install apks without flashing a modified root image, they'd go for it as rooting opens the device up to more/deeper attacks w malicious apps (esp w the nature of people just grabbing modified apks off the net for these). But if its the only way, so be it.
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
sappypappy The last sentence of you post is spot on! Although people like [Login to see the link] are posting firmwares with preinstalled apps that don't require any mod boot img
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
If you uninstalled chromium, here is a mod launcher and app drawer. To install app drawer, simply install as user. To install launcher you must first uninstall launcher3 then install this as a data app. To be safe you may want to backup stock launcher in case something goes wrong. You can also set button mapper to launch button mapper in case you have no launcher. But i don't think you will have issues.
[Login to see the link]
DdovwcomLevel 1 - Junior Member
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Biden2020prez I put neutronscott 's grab in /data/local/tmp and with the MacroDroid app created boot up as a trigger for:
cd /data/local/tmp
nohup /data/local/tmp/grab /dev/input/event1 &
and now on bootup Quickdial is remapped to toggle virtual mouse
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
dovwcom is it better or just another way?