• FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    • Edited

    Like if I am doing this for a friend [just to remove browser and add apps] and I dont want him to mess around with root access, I can uninstall Magisk right away? its just for doing extra stuff, correct?

      Flippy You'd want to flash back the stock boot.img to remove magisk and the ability to install packages. magisk cannot be removed on its own. A new boot.img would need to be made. It so far hasn't seemed useful. Either want both to have development of a ROM, or neither when a ROM is made for end users.

      neutronscott I'd imagine if some could choose to install apks without flashing a modified root image, they'd go for it as rooting opens the device up to more/deeper attacks w malicious apps (esp w the nature of people just grabbing modified apks off the net for these). But if its the only way, so be it. 🙂

        sappypappy The last sentence of you post is spot on! Although people like [Login to see the link] are posting firmwares with preinstalled apps that don't require any mod boot img

        If you uninstalled chromium, here is a mod launcher and app drawer. To install app drawer, simply install as user. To install launcher you must first uninstall launcher3 then install this as a data app. To be safe you may want to backup stock launcher in case something goes wrong. You can also set button mapper to launch button mapper in case you have no launcher. But i don't think you will have issues.
        [Login to see the link]

          Biden2020prez I put neutronscott 's grab in /data/local/tmp and with the MacroDroid app created boot up as a trigger for:

          cd /data/local/tmp
          nohup /data/local/tmp/grab /dev/input/event1 &

          and now on bootup Quickdial is remapped to toggle virtual mouse

            sappypappy To unlock the Package Manager we set a SystemProperty during boot initialization using resetprop provided by magisk. The other way to do this is modifying the fairly big super image. This is because Android 11 doesn't read .rc files during the boot ramdisk.

            Another option is building a binary like Magisk that only does that one thing. I don't see the utility to do this myself unfortunately.

              • NNECLevel 1 - Junior Member

                • Edited

                dovwcom under what action catagory do i set this? never mind i figured it out! thanks!

                  after over 600 posts it gets a little confusing for somone that wasnt following the whole conversation. would it be possible that someone can come out with so to speak a "verdict" of what can be done and how?

                    neutronscott Thanks. Yeah, the workarounds would prob be worse than the boot img way. If it could be enabled via ADB somehow before each apk install, but I don't think that's possible.

                    Biden2020prez NEC I thought it was better because after reboot toggling is a simple one press with Quickdial - but Quickdial is not very reachable and the nohup shell script sometimes stops and so it's both better and cleaner to use button mapper to set one trigger for enabling mouse and another to disable as suggested on this thread

                    • NEC replied to this.

                      I successfully paired and used a Bluetooth keyboard-mouse combo (it has a touchpad).
                      What's interesting to note, is that although it takes over the system mouse, meaning, if the mouse had already been activated, then the touchpad just controlled that cursor, it has a much broader range. Meaning, it can reach till the top of the screen.

                        • NNECLevel 1 - Junior Member

                          dovwcom do i need to download a separate button mapper or will i be able to set it in macrodroid?

                            NEC You can set macro droid to launch mouse when you open certain apps, but i preferred the button thing.