Biden2020prez NEC I thought it was better because after reboot toggling is a simple one press with Quickdial - but Quickdial is not very reachable and the nohup shell script sometimes stops and so it's both better and cleaner to use button mapper to set one trigger for enabling mouse and another to disable as suggested on this thread

  • NEC replied to this.

    I successfully paired and used a Bluetooth keyboard-mouse combo (it has a touchpad).
    What's interesting to note, is that although it takes over the system mouse, meaning, if the mouse had already been activated, then the touchpad just controlled that cursor, it has a much broader range. Meaning, it can reach till the top of the screen.

      • NNECLevel 1 - Junior Member

        dovwcom do i need to download a separate button mapper or will i be able to set it in macrodroid?

          NEC You can set macro droid to launch mouse when you open certain apps, but i preferred the button thing.

            NEC Biden2020prez when I used grab and the shell script for it I didn't need to use button mapper at all and I set bootup as the trigger for my script which was much more practical for me than using an app as a trigger - not using button mapper was initially an advantage because I couldn't get button mapper to work without installing a4f's Voice Assistant because there were missing accessibility settings without it so there's a potential bloat and battery hit if you're not interested in running the Voice Assistant otherwise (Edit: I now see that you can use [Login to see the link] 's accessibility [Login to see the link] with a-one 's permissions).

            As above in practice I found the Quickdial solution difficult - especially when reaching to the back of the phone wasn't possible when it was mounted in my car to use for Waze. As far as using the Favorites star button with event2 in [Login to see the link]'s script for whatever reason that would only toggle once and then not work any more for me.

            I especially found the Change Resolution app to be a game changer in using apps on the phone (use with care - at one point I mistakenly set the resolution backwards and my phone became totally unusable with the default Launcher launcher3 constantly crashing even after reboots and uninstalling the resolution changer did not help at all - I only managed to eventually rescue my phone by using adb to set the screen resolution to a valid size) so that I use the notification area to switch between a default of 240x320 for phone calls and 321x428 for app use (including texting - for which I use Textra with Microsoft swiftkey - EDIT: MS swiftkey disables secret codes so removed it and at same time removed Textra also because it needed mouse toggling in middle of use - for me that's not worth the hassle) when I want to use the launcher list apps such as Waze and not only are some of the otherwise unavailable settings now reachable but the apps become much more usable - especially Waze and not to mention button mapper and Microsoft swiftkey the last of which I installed because I don't like kt9 especially not the limited version of it on the t408dl and without the screen resolution app MS swiftkey is otherwise completely unusable.

              neutronscott thanks for your amazing work - suggestions for your wiki:

              1) change resolution [Login to see the link] which is a game changer for usability of Waze and many other apps. Create resolution of 321x428 in the app (take care to put 321 width first and then 428 - reversing it can break your phone which then needs to be rescued by setting a valid screen resolution with adb) and then use the notification area to toggle between the default (240x320 which can be reset from adb if accidentally overwritten in app to a non-working resolution) for phone calls and stock t408dl system apps and 321x428 for installed apps.

              2) mouse toggle - edit: hat-tip NEC if not using pro version of button mapper then install MacroDroid app apk (from for example [Login to see the link] ), Jumptoheaven's modded button mapper, xxdeafgirl's accessibility [Login to see the link] with a-one 's permissions and the change resolution app as described in 1) above and then after toggling resolution to 321x428 use MacroDroid to name (ex. Mouse On) and create an empty trigger (use search function for "empty" in triggers to locate) with action shell-script (again search function in actions for "shell" is your friend) of settings put system keyboard_pointer_enable 1 and a second named trigger (ex. Mouse Off) an empty trigger (use search function for "empty" in triggers to locate) with action shell-script (again search function in actions for "shell" is your friend) of settings put system keyboard_pointer_enable 0. In button mapper map two button combinations (I used long-press back-button edit: volume-up to activate mouse and double-click back-button edit: long-press volume-down to deactivate) to shortcuts to Macrodroid - for one choose the Mouse On script and for one choose the Mouse Off script Advanced and selected Root commands and entered for volume-up settings put system keyboard_pointer_enable 1 and for volume-down settings put system keyboard_pointer_enable 0.

              3) useful and working apps list (subject to site and user acceptability)- my own list includes regular Waze (my biggest reason for getting this phone - to save the many 100s of dollars I would otherwise have to spend on a separate kosher Waze device and the recurring cost of an extra monthly plan), 1Weather, WhatsApp (which I use exclusively as a productivity tool and not for entertainment/time-wasting), regular Google Maps (can't sign in) all of which I use after toggling change screen resolution as in 1) above

              4) Genymotion's [Login to see the link] was extremely helpful in setting up and playing with this phone because it has a mouse that accesses the whole screen area, working scroll-up and mouse drag

              5) lgexalter1 's tip of using the [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link] don't set as default home because you can't make calls. Set a shortcut key to it (such as left key) from Settings | Phone Settings | Key Shortcuts.

                I noticed that there hasn't been much mention here of getting the t408dl from [Login to see the link] for only $29.99 plus one month's service (as low as $25) and then using a referral code to get 3 free months as described for a different phone on [Login to see the link] - ldpt-bcfe and used that to get 8,000 points which buys an additional three months at $25 a month (slightly less on auto-pay) and since my existing family phone plans are all on Verizon pre-paid with loyalty discounts I am getting the phone carrier unlocked after 60 days and switching SIM cards from our current phones.

                including adb commands for uninstalling unwanted apps and a list of apps that can be installed with the commands to install them

                  breakingnews I know it's hard to follow but for the sake of full discussion we are in the middle of discussing this point - see lazertech 's post asking for same and neutronscott 's reply

                  • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                    breakingnews Follow the links on original post

                    dovwcom thanks for the suggestions I'll try to add some. I actually host a wiki I should have put it there so anyone can edit ...

                    My mouse binary was only a test so far. I figured existing apps would fill this void and it sounds like macro droid will be a staple in a ROM for a non-touch phone living in a touchscreen world. I do plan to extend my mouse service though and ideally it would be made a service in the ROM but with the option to use a key or integrate into other accessibility services to use their button triggers. My priority though has been modifying recovery so mods can be ran with .zip files instead of distributing large ROMs or needing Magisk, and also in hopes writing the super partition can be done in under 5 minutes instead of 35...

                    I think Launcher3 mods are next on the list. I want to unlock it to showing all apps.

                      neutronscott Two questions that I didn't see clearly answered either on the Wiki or on this thread:

                      1) What happens as is on a factory reset on your ROM?

                      2) Do you have the stock ROM?

                        • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                          • Edited

                          dovwcom In the Rom I shared if you factory reset you just lose your personal information, all of the changes were made in system and are not affected by a factory reset.

                          • NNECLevel 1 - Junior Member

                            dovwcom if you grant button mapper root it seems to work just by setting those commands as a shell no need to use macrodroid. just put the settings (under advanced) in a shell and it works great!

                              Jumptoheaven I think the mouse was only put in the settings so it launches with browser. Therefore it cant reach on top of browser Area. I think the area might be able to be edited, but it would be very hard.