Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
neutronscott yay! Thanks!
neutronscott yay! Thanks!
neutronscott thank you so much for your continued service here - I have two questions:
1) I am not looking for any of the super ROMs developed so far so for me cutting down super install time isn't yet a need - what I am wondering is what else you have currently in your Recovery image that may give me extra functionality - do you have a working custom Recovery mode and if so what can it do?
2) Was anyone at any point in this thread able to extract Do you have an unmodded boot.img that could be flashed to restore the phone completely to factory state?
Biden2020prez how? (do i drag)
dovwcom the modifications to recovery so far are to use adb shell. One utility which may help if you've remounted /system as rw and made edits is e2fsck to fix any corruption.
There is an over the air update which came with the boot.img which is how we were able to start modifying the device. It was posted long ago. This may work too:
[Login to see the link]
neutronscott It should be able to recover from brick, right?
NEC if its something dragable then use dpad center plus whichever direction you want to drag it. For example: when making a macro with multiple steps, press the up/down arrow, and reorder the actions (or trigger) by dragging them up or down (from the lines on the right)
neutronscott You're unbelievable!!
Out of curiousity, how did you make Magisk giving you su, without being bound to the Magisk app granting?
AndroFlipper in recovery? I just put it in the magisk.db already
Biden2020prez recovery doesn't add any ability as far as bricked device. fastboot is already available before recovery even if it's slow.
Boot sequence is something like:
brom > preloader (mmcblk0boot0) > lk > boot/recovery
Really would like to find an entrance to brom!
neutronscott why cant your bricked devices be reflashed. Will they boot fastboot?
Is there a way of getting this device to fastboot mode without mtk meta
ZTEGuy Haven't seen one
neutronscott not sure I follow - thinking about my question assuming my phone is working fine but I want the option of entirely undoing all of the changes from factory firmware made by having flashed neutron.img what would be my options? Uninstalling Magisk and other manual steps or is there a boot.img I could flash to do that? Are you saying that the OTA image would do that?
lgexalter1 I guess it depends if he wants to make it factory with his user data or without...
ZTEGuy getting preloader into fastboot is available in other utilities but it's using the same method. The python mtk client should work.
Biden2020prez why cant your bricked devices be reflashed. Will they boot fastboot?
No they won't because the first I overwrote preloader (hoping to unlock access to brom), and the next I probably triggered some security eFuse, not sure.
ZTEGuy If interested this is a very small python utility that'd enter fastboot: [Login to see the link]
neutronscott Thanks
any way to add words to dictionary in the kt9?
flip101 no