Biden2020prez MS swiftkey is a virtual keyboard app - thank you for the tip - installed Google messages

Got mine in today from that eBay deal. Disappointed in the build quality (screen half wiggles quite a bit, even when closed), but not bad for the money & capability. Gonna do it to it soon.

Man, do I miss the days of high quality flips & bar phones tho. 🙁 There's seemingly none now.

    neutronscott Yeah. $100 less & the ability to side load/customize would be great. Maybe it will happen.

    I've looked through all 745 messages I would like to know what is the ADB command to uninstall email? Thank you

    got it. i did pm disable-user --user 0 and it disabled email

    Biden2020prez I have had no luck installing launcher after removing it from system. Did you actually rm the directory in priv-app or only use pm disable? And was this on the TF or another phone?

    Have others been able to replace Launcher in data? Mine was crashing because of a status bar permission. For now I removed that notification code.

    Next I trimmed down two methods which Tct modified to hard code the app list. I tried tidying up the smali by hand and somehow lost a variable and it kept crashing because of missing icon for built-in apps... So for the moment, a teaser, with all the icons hardcoded to one I found hah

    Launcher3 All Apps Launcher3 321x428

    The major edit is in I also removed calls to mGflipComparator from It looked necessary but I didn't see what happens if I didn't remove it. It probably only makes the sorting weird when mixed up with apps not in the list.

    I hate to ask but I've tried several times with no luck. I have a Tracfone T408DL. I boot the phone into fastboot mode, I run 'fastboot flashing unlock', I press volume unlock and the phone proceeds to unlock the bootloader, next I run 'fastboot flash boot neutron.img' the cmd line seems to indicate it. works and I run 'fastboot reboot'. I then run through initial set up and dial *#*#217703#*#* to bring up the app list. However, I never see "Launch Magisk (stub downloader)". I just see the normal apps and other than the factory reset nothing seems to actually have happened. I've also tried flashing neutronscott recovery image but once again this seems to do nothing. I'm at my wit’s end. Any help is greatly appreciated. I feel like I'm just skipping a step or doing something dumb thats preventing the process from working.

      swagmastuh The list will only say Magisk. It may take a reboot for it to show.

      Recovery is entered with "adb reboot recovery" or holding volume down while restarting the phone.

        neutronscott WOW!!!! The reboot worked. I can't believe I never tried that. I rebooted and sure enough Magisk showed up. I knew I was just being dumb. Many thanks!

        neutronscott Hello again, I have one last question. How do I enable APK installation? Or do I need to install APKs via adb? I've enabled developer options, removed write protection on emmc and enable PackageManager via my super user adb shell cmds. However, trying to install APKs that are on my SD card are still not allowed. Thank you in advance.

          swagmastuh hmmm should. reboot again? heh. I noticed today it doesn't launch in time if you break stuff but not sure what's going on with yours. I have only used adb myself. Some apps have no signature and those won't install

            swagmastuh I've been rebooting a lot today and it seems more often the APK installations fail. I might make a new boot.img that runs the command earlier in the init process but until then you can resolve it by resetting the parameter and restarting the Android system (as long as Magisk got installed and setup):

            C:\>adb install Launcher3.apk
            Performing Streamed Install
            adb: failed to install Launcher3.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: Failed rename]
            C:\>adb shell su -c resetprop -n ro.vendor.tct.endurance true
            C:\>adb shell su -c setprop ctl.restart zygote
            C:\>adb install Launcher3.apk
            Performing Streamed Install

            neutronscott No, his issue is he is trying to install apps from the file manager. Either do adb or send files through bluetooth and install through notifications. (If you install another file manager app it will let you install apks)

            Long delay but I ended up just installing apps via adb. I installed F-Droid which can install the APKs it downloads without issue.

            • TtechyLevel 3 - Gold Member

              • Edited

              darth How did you disable it?