swagmastuh The list will only say Magisk. It may take a reboot for it to show.

Recovery is entered with "adb reboot recovery" or holding volume down while restarting the phone.

    neutronscott WOW!!!! The reboot worked. I can't believe I never tried that. I rebooted and sure enough Magisk showed up. I knew I was just being dumb. Many thanks!

    neutronscott Hello again, I have one last question. How do I enable APK installation? Or do I need to install APKs via adb? I've enabled developer options, removed write protection on emmc and enable PackageManager via my super user adb shell cmds. However, trying to install APKs that are on my SD card are still not allowed. Thank you in advance.

      swagmastuh hmmm should. reboot again? heh. I noticed today it doesn't launch in time if you break stuff but not sure what's going on with yours. I have only used adb myself. Some apps have no signature and those won't install

        swagmastuh I've been rebooting a lot today and it seems more often the APK installations fail. I might make a new boot.img that runs the command earlier in the init process but until then you can resolve it by resetting the parameter and restarting the Android system (as long as Magisk got installed and setup):

        C:\>adb install Launcher3.apk
        Performing Streamed Install
        adb: failed to install Launcher3.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: Failed rename]
        C:\>adb shell su -c resetprop -n ro.vendor.tct.endurance true
        C:\>adb shell su -c setprop ctl.restart zygote
        C:\>adb install Launcher3.apk
        Performing Streamed Install

        neutronscott No, his issue is he is trying to install apps from the file manager. Either do adb or send files through bluetooth and install through notifications. (If you install another file manager app it will let you install apks)

        Long delay but I ended up just installing apps via adb. I installed F-Droid which can install the APKs it downloads without issue.

        • TtechyLevel 3 - Gold Member

          • Edited

          darth How did you disable it?

          Does anyone know if this phone has nfc?

            • HHi1Level 3 - Gold Member

              • Edited

              Can anyone explain me exactly how to install apps on that phone I think that there is no clear instructions in this whole thread I tried to follow [Login to see the link] instructions I installed mtk meta and when I press on reboot fast boot mode it pops back no device found (usb Debugging is on)

                Hi1 You need to first click reboot fastboot mode, then plug in your powered off phone into the computer, then it should work. It will not work if you dont have mtk drivers installed, and fastboot commands wont work without fastboot drivers installed.

                • Hi1 replied to this.
                  • HHi1Level 3 - Gold Member

                    • Edited

                    flipphones123 thanks for that info, the usb option needs to be on a specific setting like transfer files or charging? ( I don't have midi option on this phone)

                    • HHi1Level 3 - Gold Member

                      flipphones123 I installed mtk drivers and I'm still getting the same error basically I get the error when press reboot fast boot mode and I plug in the device and it's loading for a while and it pops up no device found

                        • HHi1Level 3 - Gold Member

                          lgexalter1 right I'm just thinking y it's not working

                          • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                            Hi1 Which drivers did you install?

                            • Hi1 replied to this.
                              • HHi1Level 3 - Gold Member

                                • Edited

                                Flippy I don't know I just Google searched mtk drivers and downloaded it, can you please send me the specific version?

                                • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                                  • Edited

                                  I had that issue [Login to see the link]

                                  Never got the right answer.
                                  I extracted all of them and then installed 2 of them (if I remeber correctly) The second one of them did some very scary-looking CMD prompt window stuff with tons of words scrolling.... After a while it finished, and I guess it worked, beacuse after that it was able to find the device.

                                  As a help to the forums, please take note of which one(s) you install and let us know back here what worked 😊

                                    Think my vMouse is ready for testing: [Login to see the link]

                                    I installed it with adb shell (like I do everything) but should work using the Magisk app as well.

                                    adb push vMouse.zip /sdcard
                                    adb shell
                                    magisk --install-module /sdcard/vMouse.zip
                                    • Activate/Deactive: Tap * (the top one for favorite contacts)
                                    • Scroll wheel: 7/*, 9/#, volup/voldown (scroll up/scroll down respectively). The volume buttons don't send repeat codes so they need to be pushed a lot, the others can be held down.
                                    • Left click: OK
                                    • Right click: 3 (untested)

                                    Well right click won't work well I didn't stop the 3 key from being passed through so it'll dial 3 oops