I am getting a error when trying to open the app launcher on my tcl flip t408dl. The error is "Launcher3 keeps stopping" I may have installed the wrong installer on my phone. What can I do to remove this installer? What is the correct installer?

Expired!!! Mtk Meta firmware utils that is available on the apps4flip site, has EXPIRED as of Jan 1st 2023! Does anyone know where to get a newer SAFE version of the application?

    • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

      • Edited

      To get into fastboot you can just use the AutoBooter that Biden2020prez made. [Login to see the link]
      (If it doesnt work you should make sure in Device Manager>Ports> You should only have 1 MediaTek USB Port, if you have more then one the program wont work, you need to show hidden devices to see them)

      lionscribe Hi. not the right thread, but I wanna say thanks for SmartList for Flip Phones!

        There is a new version of MTKMeta (with a few nice features). If anyone needs a way to convert this rar file to zip easily, you can use cloudconvert.com. Just press open with cloudconvert.com.

        [Login to see the link]

          Hi I was wondering how (if possible) to enable the "draw on top of other apps" permission. I get a screen labeled "feature not available: this feature has been turned off because it slows down your phone" whenever an app tries to access it. I was hoping to use an app to somehow access the top screen (the one you see when the phone is closed) but since I can't access display on top I can't do it. Anyone know how to fix this? I've also had issues with not being able to setup accessibility apps as when I scroll too far down the accessibility settings (the normal android system version, not the custom one that's part of the skin, it's accessable using the Android Hidden Settings app). Any help with that would be great. Also just an FYI - if you want a good launcher try square home. It works great on the phone and even has keypad shortcuts that work with number keys and stuff. Pretty cool. If you do use another launcher tho and want to dial a number you have to press the green button (accept call) to access the phone dialer. Just an FYI. But any help here would be appreciated.

            iamn3tfox also I'd suggest installing the Amazon app store. Also if you want to, install Serverless Bluetooth keyboard & mouse on another phone and use Bluetooth to control the flip phone. It helps with apps that don't work well with it. However it can act up because the phone uses a different keyboard layout apparently or something since some keys don't do what they are supposed to.

              iamn3tfox also it'd be helpful if anyone knew any apps that display notifications and allow you to dismiss or respond to them easily within the app since the system notification panel doesn't work well and I can't access the default launcher notification area so


              adb shell appops set com.package.name SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow

                mg5077 check password.txt. (i believe its mtk_meta_utility but if not, just check the password.txt)


                  lgexalter1 adb shell input keyevent HOME

                  the screen goes to home screen

                  lgexalter1 adb shell am start -n com.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallActivity

                  I got this error
                  Exception occurred while executing 'start':
                  java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting Intent { flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.dialer/com.android.incallui.InCallActivity } from null (pid=3000, uid=2000) not exported from uid 10022
                  at com.android.server.wm.ActivityStackSupervisor.checkStartAnyActivityPermission(ActivityStackSupervisor.java:1043)
                  at com.android.server.wm.ActivityStarter.executeRequest(ActivityStarter.java:1005)
                  at com.android.server.wm.ActivityStarter.execute(ActivityStarter.java:675)
                  at com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService.startActivityAsUser(ActivityTaskManagerService.java:1110)
                  at com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService.startActivityAsUser(ActivityTaskManagerService.java:1082)
                  at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.startActivityAsUserWithFeature(ActivityManagerService.java:3744)
                  at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerShellCommand.runStartActivity(ActivityManagerShellCommand.java:571)
                  at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerShellCommand.onCommand(ActivityManagerShellCommand.java:188)
                  at android.os.BasicShellCommandHandler.exec(BasicShellCommandHandler.java:98)
                  at android.os.ShellCommand.exec(ShellCommand.java:44)
                  at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onShellCommand(ActivityManagerService.java:10701)
                  at android.os.Binder.shellCommand(Binder.java:929)
                  at android.os.Binder.onTransact(Binder.java:813)
                  at android.app.IActivityManager$Stub.onTransact(IActivityManager.java:5061)
                  at com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.onTransact(ActivityManagerService.java:2940)
                  at android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal(Binder.java:1159)
                  at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:1123)