Tachlis - I don't see how allowing APKs is not simply a different standard in kashrus. Who decided that the "kosher" levels of kashrus go until here, and no further? Those who wouldn't allow themselves a phone that can play video would make the same argument you're making as to why. Yet there's still a ROM available for it.
Perhaps I should clarify my goal - to disable the browser, install any (kosher, obviously) APKs I need, and remove all other internet devices from my life. Thus, If Chas V'Shalom I ever succumb to the yetzer, I'd have to either get myself a new internet device or borrow someone else's to download more APKs or (just as easily) download inappropriate content to the device.
If anyone is willing to help, please do.
Also, I'm open to changing my view, if anyone has some new points to make as to why the above isn't a good idea.