is an option to have the app of a Kyocera E4610 with meshimer filter?
Kyocera Phones
DdrfreemlizardLevel 1 - Junior Member
I have the Kyocera DuraXE Epic (AT&T variant of the DuraXV Extreme) and am trying to install and use both the mouse and Voice Access. But when I use adb to enable one, it shuts off the other. Very frustrating as I use both. Seems to be the line: "adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services" followed by the package name that does it. I'm wondering if the phone thinks this means the package named in the line is the only one to be set as such. Is there a way to use this line to activate both services on the one line?
Lev26Level 3 - Gold Member
ZZTEGuyLevel 3 - Gold Member
Will an unlocked kyocera duraxv work with T-Mobile (Hello)
Anyone know where to get a replacement screen for kyocera cadence to fix myself?
kyocera cadence sending all txts as group messeages to random numbers . anyone know how to fix?
4448641Level 4 - Platinum Member
the e 4810 works excellently with T-Mobile, however you would have to correctly set the apn yourself, and the wifi calling/ mobile hotspot may not work
Mmendy1Level 1 - Junior Member
since any App (like Google voice which I'm desperate for) runs on Google Play can't be installed & work on the Kyocera e4610 / e4810 , does anybody knows how if there is a modified "Google Voice Apk which doesn't work with google play?
or how to Root the phone otherwise
4448641Level 4 - Platinum Member
Name: T-Mobile
APN: (for LTE devices) or (for non-LTE devices)
Proxy: <Not set>
Port: <Not set>
Username: <Not set>
Password: <Not set>
Server: <Not set>
MMSC: [Login to see the link]
MMS proxy: <Not set>
MMS port: <Not set>
MMS protocol: WAP 2.0
MCC: 310
MNC: 260
Authentication Type: <Not set>
APN Type: default,supl,mms OR Internet+MMS
Default Android provides a text field to enter: default,supl,mms.
Samsung provides an Internet+MMS radio button to select.
APN Protocol: IPv4/IPv6
APN roaming protocol: IPv4/IPv6 or IPv4 only when roaming internationally
Turn APN on/off: Grayed out unless there are multiple APNs
Bearer: Unspecified
can i install a filter on kyocera 4610 myself or only a tag/filter place has it? went today but they didnt have time
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Ok so now that I actually had to set one up, instead of a copy/paste from T-Mobile website, I can help with what is actually needed. This is the T-Mobile APN for Kyocera DuraXV E-4180:
Name: T-Mobile
MMSC: [Login to see the link]
APN Protocol: IPv4/IPv6
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
4448641 Right I know that's what the site says. But we are talking about the Kyocera DuraXV E-4180 which may actually be a LTE device, but did not work for it... So, I am letting people know what actually works for it. Did you have a different experience?
Mmoshe1Level 3 - Gold Member
- Edited
Flippy By the bars of service it showed a house symbol basically no 4g connection in other words service didn't work I didn't try apns then but when I had the hotspot problem with us mobile I did try editing the apn's and its greyed out I even tried an app that lets u edit locked apns but when I went back to the apn through settings I saw it went back to default. From what I understood phones that aren't volte compatible don't work on tello period also because the phone needs to meet the frequency requirements