Hi1 4448641 but it doesn't block reset do you know a way to block reset? (I tried Google family link which blocks reset I though it will work beacuse this phone allows regular installations but wasn't able to launch the app) so I guess the olny way is rooting
anonymous Hi1 the command to remove the lock screen this way you cant reset it that way adb shell su settings put secure lockscreen.disabled 1 rm /data/system/locksettings.db rm /data/system/locksettings.db-shm rm /data/system/locksettings.db-wal reboot
Hi1 4448641 the olny option is a teqloc filter beacuse livigent won't work for this phone or any phone except a classic or a exalt, but if we can figure out how to root this phone it will solve the problem
FliphoneBochur Hi1 It's technically another version of fastboot. The terms fastboot and bootloader are the same. I think that that interface is specific to Qualcomm phones.
Hi1 anonymous I can only run this command on a rooted device and I have no clue how to root a Kyocera if you know please tell me how