Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
mg5077 use a mouse
mg5077 use a mouse
Biden2020prez try appblock. Just its a new thread on these forums.
Biden2020prez did it already but its not so convenient during a call
mg5077 you can start it before the call with dpad.
Biden2020prez ok but still interested if its possible to get it to work
mg5077 Ill look into it...
@"Biden2020prez" is your abd funtion up to date with all the options?
Myi think so.
Does it still have a reset capability?
Would this work for the new Alactel flip2? without flashing the whole device?
Techgen Correct. And besides for that, the TCL doesn't work with the pm uninstall -k --user 0
command, or any uninstall
command for system apps. I think it is a prop, but haven't felt the need to search to much for it.
Biden2020prez Right, someone did mention that suspend works though. (Temporary)
can I download just the phone call recorder from this package?
Shaul yes. but u need to download the full exe, and choose the call recorder
Is it the boldbeast app?
Shaul yes
Biden2020prez This isn't a filter. It merely takes off the browser. It doesn't make the phone kosher. You shouldn't be enabling people to run around with fake 'kosher' phones that can have apps installed, etc.
CallMeACynic Appreciate your input. I never claim this replaces a tag filter, and it certainly doesn't provide the same lebel of kashrus. I am not worried of people thinking this is going to give them the same thing as tag. This is for people who will filter their phone using ADB Anyways.